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Noob hello, dumb ass question, and MWTS ZCP rims...


Well-Known Member
Hello folks, just took possession of a 2010 E90 M, in black, in preparation for the inevitable need when kids arrive. Hope to learn more from you guys, still trying to get used to the car.

Am fairly used to my Audi folding back the mirrors when the car is locked, but that doesn't seem possible on my car. Is there a software option/hack to get this?

ZCP rims have been sold, thanks Ken!

Thanks for reading!
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Re: Noob hello, dumb ass question, and MWTS ZCP rims...

Folding function can be program by Munich or Bmw specialist workshop. Congrats with the M monster
Re: Noob hello, dumb ass question, and MWTS ZCP rims...


real M man........
Re: Noob hello, dumb ass question, and MWTS ZCP rims...

Congrats!! wat colour??
try holding the lock buttons on the door or from ur key fob for 2 secs to try seeing if the mirrors fold. If not, as suggested earlier it could b program by some of the BMW workshops.
Re: Noob hello, dumb ass question, and MWTS ZCP rims...

Haha, thanks guys. I was flipping through the manual a couple of times to make sure I didn't misread. Ok will go bug the Munich guys. This forum is poisonous!
Re: Noob hello, dumb ass question, and MWTS ZCP rims...

Mine is black. Ok that's a good tip, thanks, will try it out later. I'm due to see Munich sometime this weekend as well, so will ask at the same time.
Re: Noob hello, dumb ass question, and MWTS ZCP rims...

keep the zcp rims, paint it black if it aint already black.
your ride will be all black and aggressive and cars will give way most of the time.
Re: Noob hello, dumb ass question, and MWTS ZCP rims...

I'm not a big fan of the design... If I get other aftermarket they will be black.
Re: Noob hello, dumb ass question, and MWTS ZCP rims...

What aftermarket wheels you have in mind?
Re: Noob hello, dumb ass question, and MWTS ZCP rims...

Haven't quite decided yet. Am a fan of the minimal spokes, "airy" looking designs like the GC-05K, but unfortunately they don't have ZCP sizes. Am doing research at the moment...
Re: Noob hello, dumb ass question, and MWTS ZCP rims...

Mine was Advan RS D gloss black. Sold them to another forumer b4 the car was handed over to dealer
Re: Noob hello, dumb ass question, and MWTS ZCP rims...

Nice! Very racy, not my style, but nice!

BTW WTS/WTB type threads seem to be allowed here. I don't want to trip any forum regulations...
Re: Noob hello, dumb ass question, and MWTS ZCP rims...

Hi L3stat congrats on yr M3 you'll definitely enjoy revving it. Can u post a pic of the ZCP rims & roughly how long has it been used? It's original black right? Not painted black from silver? Cheers.
Re: Noob hello, dumb ass question, and MWTS ZCP rims...

Prodrive is nice. What about DPE?

Personally like BBS FI

View attachment 55025
Noob hello, dumb ass question, and MWTS ZCP rims...

BBS and DPE are out of my budget! Very nice rims though...

Gilajazz, sorry it's too late to take good pics, here's a ready shot:


I got the car used, so I can't really advise on the age. You're welcome to check out the rims in person anytime.

Edit: this shot also shows where the cosmetic flaw is, near 2 o'clock.
Re: Noob hello, dumb ass question, and MWTS ZCP rims...

Offsets to fit M3 not as common as other models. Should check out rim shops that can be found in forum sponsored area, maybe they have something for M3.
Re: Noob hello, dumb ass question, and MWTS ZCP rims...

Great car and Congrats on the M3 Luke! :D
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Re: Noob hello, dumb ass question, and MWTS ZCP rims...

Thanks buddy, you've been a great help every step of the way, thumbs up for Munich!

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