

Core Group Members
I have experienced slight knocking noises from the left rear of my car and I found out that my left rear shock mount was faulty. May be an avenue for u to check it out.

Re: Noises

Hmm, to add on what azrielsc has said,

You might want to check your rear shock mounts. If it's a knocking noise, although quite rare cause it happens to the front more frequently than not.

Good thing is to clear everything from your boot and slowly diagnose your problem. Check that your spare tyre screw is tight and no nuts/bolts/nitty gritty is rolling around in the metal part of your boot. Abit tedious but it can be a small problem :)

Good luck and oh yes, Welcome to the BMW.SG forums! :wavey:

silvergrey said:
I am getting light cracking noise from the rear speakers board cover and also light knocking noises from the left rear part of the car FL318. So far I have checked the boot and still cannot isolate these noises. If anyone here have some experience or can direct me to someone who can help me would be appreciated. Thanks