New server new beginnings :)


Staff member
Hey Ryan.

Glad I could be of service. :)
Hopefully, the intermittent downtimes will be a thing of the past!

Cheers & Happy Deepavali to all too!

Hmm, I personally feel that the new background is a little too 'bright'...and too 'wordy' on the forum's main page.....makes it kinda complicated for new users. :roll:
I like the cleaner design... but a bit too clutter... probably just need a bit time to get used to where all the links are. :)
congratulations! I like everything about the new layout. Speed is good.

thanks ryan, thanks puny. :thumbsup:
Hey guys, love the new facelift! Great job! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Excellent. But do let us know if costs were involved as I won't mind chipping in. Cheers.
Yup! Nice Nice!!
mwidjaya said:
Fantastic! Well done.

Anyone having problem with "View posts since last visit". It says url not found.
Thanks for noting out that bug. I just fixed it :)

Was meddling around with some codes just now.

Ryan/Alvin, all kudos to the effort. Thanks.
Ryan and Alvin,

Thanks for all the work that you both have put in to make our "little BMW world" easier to surf!

Surf's Up!
hi guys ~ :wavey: ~great job~ :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
jus wish to comments abit of e design, if e background were to be in darker shades or colour will be nicer. But its neat & relax after all~ :dance:
Amazing man!! Ryan & Alvin :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

'The Great White'