New "bird" say hi to all

Oh yeah!!!! i miss the most important part...hehe :)
So intro what need to be covered? :shock:
Oh i jus got my really stock pre-FL E46 M54 looking to mod many many things...
I m into jap only now that into 'ang mo' car and this tpye of car got many many advance part so there is many many stuff form me to learn.... So hopefully bro/sis here will not find me pain in the asss......
Oh by the way i got a friend told me that BMW club got club T-shirt is it true? He thinks that it is really cool and really wish to have one. If that is the case i must not miss out this also....
Re: New "bird" say hi to all

NickyPower said:
Hey everyone, been in here for some time i guess some might have seen me around but i think it will be good for me to intro myself to every "old bird" here......hehe

Welcome!! :wavey:
Re: New "bird" say hi to all

NickyPower said:
Hey everyone, been in here for some time i guess some might have seen me around but i think it will be good for me to intro myself to every "old bird" here......hehe

Hi nicky power..

I also new bird here.... so Newbird say hello to newbird!!

Like when u say you want to "Mod many many".... in the same time mus "Make more money".. hahaha

so u ard.. cheers!
that's right Hymics... all mod come with $$$ btw what's ur ride?
NickyPower said:
that's right Hymics... all mod come with $$$ btw what's ur ride?

E65.. had her since Sep this yr.... giving her a new dress end of this month... $the dress cost me.... nvm$$$$$$ .... hope to c u at the meetup..:( :thumbsup:
Oh sorry for been so dumb. E65 is wat mode huh? :) ... Now i m at overseas will try to go for the meet up when i m back......
NickyPower said:
Oh sorry for been so dumb. E65 is wat mode huh? :) ... Now i m at overseas will try to go for the meet up when i m back......

U r nt alone bro… when I bought my 7 series… I myself dun even noe it’s a E65…. Until I noe the bros in this forum..kekekekeke :oops:

If u cnt make it for the meetup.. we do hv regular meetup at simpang bedok for kopi… anyhow.. dun be naughty when oversea and see u soon! :thumbsup:
hymics seem like most ppl from other forum also meet up at simpang bedok..ok ok will do....thanks
Hi Raffles... thanks man!!!

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