Need advice pls


Well-Known Member

Where did you get your spacers? AFAIK, spacers have to be custom made according to the rims that you're using... so unless you get AC spacers and you're running AC rims, you had better check the origin of the spacers.

Badly made spacers always give you high speed vibrations.

Topaz Blue NOT a vibrator...
Re: Need advice pls

stevenwu said:

Experience steering vibration when speed > 130km/h

Recently, just changed tyres and added new spacers for 4 wheels. OFF wheel balancing are performed on 4 wheels. 4 wheels computerised alignment performed after wheel changed.

Any advice on this ?

Will ON-wheel balancing help since the max speed for this balancing method only can reached speed about 100KM/h I believed.

Could spacers be the culprit ?

Same problem like mine. I was using those ASIA M5 rims (cheong one lah !) and needed spacers for the rim as it does not sit properly.

I did alighment and balancing. At 140kmh....the wheels will start to virbate. Trace the problem to the spacers. Solution is I ditch the rims for a set of BBS. Problem solved. Now can hit 200kmh also no issue.

Check your spacers.
IMO, Try to avoid buying rims that will require spacers.
I would even try to avoid using spacers for BBK.
hi all,

Thanks for all the advice.

Tried my luck and also my last attempt, which is by sending my car for ON-wheel balancing at Stamford today.

Problems solved.

Thanks to all pals.
Some time after tyre installation, the tyre will not bead into the rim nicely.... It's always good to re balance your tyre after 1 week...

Me experience the same prob last time i change tyre also... After 1 week, the balance was different and additional counter weight needs to be added....
What is the difference between on- and off-wheel balancing, i.e. how are they done and what is the difference in effects they achieve?

OFF wheel means wheel is removed from car and balance on it own.

ON wheel means balancing done without removing wheel, intact together with brake disc etc so will take into account of the whole rotation assembled......more accuarte......however, only can balanced up to 120km/h spin speed only.

Hope this help.
Steven, thanks! Not many places do on-wheel balancing right? Or at least I haven't noticed so far.. how much did Stamford charge you?

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