My new ride BMW 523i


Active Member
I will be collecting my new BMW 523i tomorrow......... saturday 03 sep 05

So excited abt it....... as this is my first BMW.

BTW , how many keys will be given ?
what to look out for when collecting my new car ?
advise form experience brothers ?

thanks in advance
Re: My new ride BMW 523i

You should get 2 keys with the radio transmitter and 1 backup key. In addition, they will give you a tag no. which shows the number of your key pattern. Keep that safe.

Most important thing is to ensure that the chassis no matches your log card. I have had a friend that drove another person's car for 1 mth before realising that that was not his car. There was a mixup at the PDI center. (Shall not mention the make of the car)

Mechanically, check for fluids such as engine oil.... Also lookout for panel gaps and overall fit of the interior.

Look out for scratches and unevenness in paintwork. BM are known for super smooth paint and any pre-delivery dings that are poorly repaired will show up as waviness or blurness in the glossy surface.

Other than that drive out with a smile.

Best wishes on your ride dude.....
Re: My new ride BMW 523i

most impt is to check the paintwork and also the rims. and ensure any options you ordered have been fitted in etc...enjoy your car
Re: My new ride BMW 523i

welcome to the e60 world...
take the car for a 10 minutes ride around the blocks with the your sales rep to look out for noises; ride anomalies before you take over the car. Good luck!
Also one anecdote on e63 though.. i heard was the BMW PDI center forgot to remove suspension coil damping stopper used during shipping and the bloke was driving his new ride for days not knowing why his car tilted one side. Duh!

Come to the e60 Tulip day charity drive this Sunday at Kallang carpark at 4pm. You will meet a lot of e60 owners..
Re: My new ride BMW 523i

yendor said:
BM are known for super smooth paint

Huh??? You must be mistaken with some Japanese make. MUST check the paintwork. Bring the car into the sunlight and check carefully. Look out for little red dots that look like blackheads. BM are famous for this.
Re: My new ride BMW 523i

jaswat said:
I will be collecting my new BMW 523i tomorrow......... saturday 03 sep 05

So excited abt it....... as this is my first BMW.

BTW , how many keys will be given ?
what to look out for when collecting my new car ?
advise form experience brothers ?

thanks in advance

Congrats jaswat! I'm also feeling excited for you :) . Always a great feeling when collecting a new car!

Hope you'll join us for the meetups! either BMW.SG or the E60 ones.

Re: My new ride BMW 523i

thanks folks

collected my 523i today.

Thanks for all the kind advice .

I will post some pics of my car soon.
Re: My new ride BMW 523i

Congrats Jaswat on your new ride!!! Must be enjoying the fragrance of freshly installed leather! Yes, please post some pics. It's beautiful at all angles, and at any resolution!! Hope to meet you at the e60 meet today!
Re: My new ride BMW 523i

Congrats Jaswat with your new ultimate driving machine and also have pleasure driving,


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