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My BMW 2005 BMW 523i Journey


Please shift to the correct page if posted incorrectly here, just want to share my experience of owning the E60 for the past years with bros here;
After owning the same E60 for the past 8 years and COE shall expire in October 2015, this is my experience;
a) after warranty, many things broke down such as white smoke from exhaust and had to be towed back to agent with massive repair costs, radiator broke down and replaced by a forum workshop, the jerking issue also solved by the forum workshop,
Compressor broke down and replaced, starter broke down and towed, back power windows failed, mirrors cannot adjust.
In spite of all these, I still find it a pleasurable ride and the prestige of driving one has been satisfying.
Now that the end is near for my car, I am looking to replace this one (luckily the OMV is good :) :)
Don't know yet what I shall buy next , maybe the XC 60, Lexus , the new turbo forester with 237 HP ? as I don't know if I want to buy the same brand again.... Still undecided ....
Just to share my experience and no offense meant to anyone .
Best regards to all

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