Merry Widow


Well-Known Member
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Wow what instrument do you play?

Ryan, you know I've been thinking...and.........
wah......I'm really impressed with the kind of members that we have...

I play the cello...just an amateur, really, still learning.

Anyway, hope you'll be able to support the event!

man! the cello is one of my favorites. the sounds it makes are almost human - as if it has a soul.

sorry can't support the event from this distance, but good luck.

RB, you are a flute expert right? Yah MW told me.

The instrument that most closely approximates the human voice is the viola da gamba, which is like a baroque cello. It has a haunting, soulful tone. A good recording to listen to is Jordi Savall's Les Voix Humaines

Thanks for the well wishes. And no, I wasn't expecting you to support the event from Houston, Texas - that was for our Singapore based forumers. So how, RB and Rodders ? ;) hehe
I will try my best to make it.......symphony music isn't exactly my cup of tea...still I'll try my best though.


I will try my best to make it.......symphony music isn't exactly my cup of tea...still I'll try my best though. make it sound like you're being dragged to the dentist...don't worry lah I was only joking. I'm probably hard pressed to find any opera-loving car enthusiasts here - a bit of a weird combination i think!

Anyway, in the remote possibility that you (and others out there - you know who you are :roll: hehe) might go, here's a synopsis of the story :

Joyful music, dance and light romance have made The Merry Widow a universal favorite since the operetta's first performance. In gay Paris, a birthday party for the ruler of the imaginary land of Marsovia is in full swing. Wealthy Hanna is surrounded by suitors, to the despair of Marsovian diplomat Baron Popoff, who fears she will bankrupt their country if she marries a foreigner. He cleverly convinces Prince Danilo, the minister of finance, to woo Hanna, though the prince has been rejected once. While Hanna lavishes special attention on the prince, he feigns indifference until she announces her engagement to a Frenchman. In agony, he at last reveals his true love to Hanna and discovers with joy that her engagement is a fiction and that she shares his passionate feelings.

:wavey: cheerio!
Hey Just,

All the best for your performance.

g0yogi is REALLY too chim for us petrolheads!

Oi, another excuse not to go izzit?? :evil:

Hey Just,

All the best for your performance.


Et tu, Kenntona?!

hehe j/k lah. Thanks :wavey:
the story sound very interesting n entertaining..... u guys use some imgaination n show some support ma.... some more this is for charity.... like tt also ke gao
winnercafe said:
the story sound very interesting n entertaining..... u guys use some imgaination n show some support ma.... some more this is for charity.... like tt also ke gao
Nice meeting you on Sunday... :) I hope one of these nice gentlemen here has offered to take you to see the show. (And guys, stop picking on her lah!):slaphead:

By the way, it's more like a musical than an opera - very funny and easy to understand, to my surprise actually.
goyogi thanks for the CD recommendation. will probably get it on my next amazon mass order.
Sure no worries Shaun!

Barry, hope you got my reply before the server deleted it.


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