May 2005 Meetup / European F1 Race


Core Group Members
Our Monthly Meetup is Upon Us!!!

29TH MAY 2005 at Kallang Carpark (Beside Macs and KFC), 4:30PM!

For more info about our meetups, please click here.

See you there!

Please be reminded that dramatic entrances and "fast-and-furious" taxi rides are STRONGLY discouraged. Please drive in slowly and do not be a public nusiance/danger to yourself, and other road users.

On behalf of the forum admins and moderators, we kindly urge everyone to be considerate towards other public road users. We do not need to attract un-necessary and negative attention. For members who like to show/experience different cars/models/mods, please take the taxi rides outside and away from the meet–up area.


European Formula 1 Grand Prix

After the Meetup, we hope to invite all who are interested to join us to cheer the BMW-Williams Team on at famous Nürburgring!!

1. Sketches @ Robertson Walk
2. 7.45pm (SUNDAY 29/5/2005)

See you all there!!

Re: May 2005 Meetup / European F1 Race

Dear all members of BMW.SG,

Guess we ain't alone this Sunday!! We will be having a joint meetup with the dudes from VAGsg!!

Meetup with VAGsg!!

Its definitely GONNA be a HUGE turnout!! So come on down!!

Re: May 2005 Meetup / European F1 Race

Yah man... better go there on Sat night to chope all the good parking first! hahaha!
Re: May 2005 Meetup / European F1 Race

Azrielsc said:
Dear all members of BMW.SG,

Guess we ain't alone this Sunday!! We will be having a joint meetup with the dudes from VAGsg!!

Meetup with VAGsg!!

Its definitely GONNA be a HUGE turnout!! So come on down!!

Are we all going to watch F1 as well after the meetup?
Re: May 2005 Meetup / European F1 Race

rex7_vtec said:
Of course! Can I say no :)
NO! There! See how easy it is? hahaha!

See you guys at the meetup.
Re: May 2005 Meetup / European F1 Race

Got any wet weather plans or not... looks like gonna rain now...
Re: May 2005 Meetup / European F1 Race

All bring poncho/umbrella... Problem solved! :)


Okay joking aside... here's our wet weather plan:

Blk 1 Alexandria Distripark, 2nd Level

If its still raining at Kallang, some of us will be waiting at Kallang Macs @ 4.30pm till about 5pm for latecomers and then we will convoy there! Others who have been to our wet weather "hideout" can proceed there themselves. There should be someone there to guide you.


Please come to Kallang Macs if its just a slight drizzle only and not a full-on MONSOON, TYPHOON-like downpour! :) Anyone who's confused about where to go, please call me (Sam) @ 91866565.

We sincerely hope that the weather won't keep anyone away from our meetup!!

Seeya soon!!
Re: May 2005 Meetup / European F1 Race


Weather in Kallang is ALL CLEAR AND COOL.

Rain has stopped at 3:02PM and things are looking great!

See you guys there!
Re: May 2005 Meetup / European F1 Race

Photos of the meetup. Thanks to Karsoon/chewschews from Vagsg who taken them. Nice to see so many cars and quite a few new members as well. :) turnout was about close to 90 cars. I know we did fill up 3 1/2 rows of parking lots....

Till next month! ;)
Re: May 2005 Meetup / European F1 Race

Nice pix guys..
Thanks for sharing

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