Mark X vs E46 320


Active Member
Hi guys,
A friend of mine is looking at the above 2 model and ask me for opinion, so wondering if you guys can provide some feedback. He's looking at new Mark X and a pre-owned E46 320.:whipper:
Re: Mark X vs E46 320

Mark X is pretty cool.... its a 2.5 V6 pumping 215bhp... i think as for power wise the Mark X would be better than 320i i feel.... 6speed tiptronic comes with "power" mode n "snow" mode. but as for stability wise n handling wise i feel probably Bmw still has the upper hand. IMHO...

cheers..... good luck in ur fren's buy...
Re: Mark X vs E46 320

Mark X.... newer... looks cool, esp with those nice tail pipes
Re: Mark X vs E46 320

I think they are totally different cars. The Mark X is way more spacious (even more spacious then the new IS250 I think) but won't have the handling of a E46. Your fren gotto ask himself whether he needs the space, looking for a driver's car, prefers Conti or Jap etc. A used Mark X won't be easy to resell in Spore market in my opinion.
Re: Mark X vs E46 320

Mark X has caught my attention on a couple of time.... not a fan of its looks but I do agree it stands out from the crowd...esp those twin exhausts..

handling will be BMW anytime lah.. but the jap horses do run a little faster.

kind of tough and perhaps unusual to chose between those 2.. cos they are so different.
Re: Mark X vs E46 320

Er... honestly, for a car like Mark X, or any of these rarer imports for that matter...

What happens if the car gets into a little fender bender, and you need replacement parts like bumper, tail lights etc? Park at workshop for 1 month and wait for sourcing in Japan to airfreight the parts down? The PIs cannot be expected keep stock of these items right?
Re: Mark X vs E46 320

heh, and the servivce at PML is so much faster right? :)

i would get the 320i. to me a good balance of handling and refinement. but if he wants more room, then cant go wrong with the mark X as a compromise.
Re: Mark X vs E46 320

A good friend of mine is driving a mark x. whenever we go out, we take the mark x instead of my bmw. Its more spacious, more comfortable, engine is more powerful, very smooth and more refined.
The only thing is... we get the wows and ahhhss less often. So really depends what you want... Better drive? Mark X no doubt.
I want to feel good and stick my nose a little higher? BMW no doubt.

Want both?
Get a 325 or 330.
Re: Mark X vs E46 320

WhyBMW? said:
A good friend of mine is driving a mark x. whenever we go out, we take the mark x instead of my bmw. Its more spacious, more comfortable, engine is more powerful, very smooth and more refined.
The only thing is... we get the wows and ahhhss less often. So really depends what you want... Better drive? Mark X no doubt.
I want to feel good and stick my nose a little higher? BMW no doubt.

Want both?
Get a 325 or 330.
I'll look at couple things for considerations: 1) Looks 2) Space 3) Power 4) Status and I assume both are equally good on safety ratings.
1) Mark X will probably be a more of a head turner for looks cause its newer but looks probably not last forever as time past, with new models coming out next time.
2) Space is something that of indivdual needs, its a no brainer if you always carry more passengers.
3) Power is something that will never go outdated, so Mark X have the upper hand on this.
4) Status: BMW..... no doubt about it.

So, in my opinion looks should not be the primary consideration as it will be outdated sooner or later. Lets say you can do with or without bigger space, that means you are left with power or status for considerations. As what "WhyBMW?" said if want both go for 330i.

P.S. I'll go for BMW to have the "STATUS" and go for the mods :) to make up for the power.
Re: Mark X vs E46 320

No one has comments on the availability of spares? Unless the importers have a large underground storeroom for these unique models, I can't see why potential owners are not worried.
Re: Mark X vs E46 320

pruxli said:
Hi guys,
A friend of mine is looking at the above 2 model and ask me for opinion, so wondering if you guys can provide some feedback. He's looking at new Mark X and a pre-owned E46 320.:whipper:
i am also facing this same problem as your friend.
personally, i drove the Mark X in china and have experience the power. it's definitely a Powerful engine but lacking in the handling. suspension is weak. (fast pick-up)
it's definitely not a family sedan.

However, in terms of handling & prestige, a pre-owned 320 E46 will be a much wiser choice.
Will any 320 owner advise me on the maintenance damage?
Re: Mark X vs E46 320

autotrons said:
However, in terms of handling & prestige, a pre-owned 320 E46 will be a much wiser choice. Will any 320 owner advise me on the maintenance damage?

If u dun buy over a lemon, routine maintenance is only sightly higher than Jap makes. The trick is to go to established Bimmer workshops other than PML. You will save alot more on labour costs, get your car sorted out in shorter time framem and get tender loving car from mechanics you will build up a friendship with.
Re: Mark X vs E46 320

WhyBMW? said:
A good friend of mine is driving a mark x. whenever we go out, we take the mark x instead of my bmw. Its more spacious, more comfortable, engine is more powerful, very smooth and more refined.
The only thing is... we get the wows and ahhhss less often. So really depends what you want... Better drive? Mark X no doubt.
I want to feel good and stick my nose a little higher? BMW no doubt.

Want both?
Get a 325 or 330.

HaHa, If 325 or 330 is within the budget, there won't be any prob fav - 330.....
Re: Mark X vs E46 320

I share most of your view too.....

>>Mark X - fast, spacious, newer look, , might not have spare parts available, interior is a bit quite low end...

>>E46 320 - not as fast, but Status and handling is something Mark X will not be able to achieve.

My friend actually looking for a daily transport that has basic power that enable him to rev once in a while.
I personally prefer E46 as its everyone's dream to own a bimmer....but there's a factor to consider in getting a pre-own bimmer....that is what's the condition of that pre-own most bro should know the type of maintenance bimmer needs.......pls advise.... thanks for all valuable advises....
Re: Mark X vs E46 320

If you want the power and refinement of the Mark X and also want better handling of the E46, then you should get the IS250.

Same engine as the Mark X, better Lexus NVH insulation, notches up on suspension/chassis tuning over the Mark X and possesses much better handling than the E46 IMO ..... close to the E90, in fact some UK mags give higher handling points to the IS250 when tested against the E90 325i on tight wet bends.

Best of both worlds, why not ..... and top notch Lexus reliability to cream it all.
An E90 325i nemesis indeed.

320i??? How to even compare?
Re: Mark X vs E46 320

mistraele said:
the thing is, a 1 or 2 year old 320i.. is much cheaper than a IS250.

i agree on that.....
Re: Mark X vs E46 320

autotrons said:
i am also facing this same problem as your friend.
personally, i drove the Mark X in china and have experience the power. it's definitely a Powerful engine but lacking in the handling. suspension is weak. (fast pick-up)
it's definitely not a family sedan.

However, in terms of handling & prestige, a pre-owned 320 E46 will be a much wiser choice.
Will any 320 owner advise me on the maintenance damage?

Hi, so wat decision you make in the end???:whipper:
Re: Mark X vs E46 320

-Mark X is indeed a Good Drive.
-Don't expect much more room than a Beemer cos it's a compact Saloon. Put the Mark X and Camry Side by Side.. you will know what I meant.
-Mark X could just have slightly more room than Beemer.. that's all.
-Interior Design is Conti Feel and definitely looks better than a plain Beemer interior.
-Stock Beemer should have better handling that is well known.
-Enhancing the Mark X with suspension choices and stuff makes the ride Not disappointing at all.
- Looks wise.... Mark X will make heads turn more than what a 3 series will do. Some say Mark X looks like Ah Pei Car though.. LOL
- Power = 215 BHP, Torque = 260
- Back Seats are reclinable.
- Status.... BMW. Then again, it's a subjective question.... Some of the Businessman out there will only consider at least a 5 series under their impression of Status. I guess most people can afford a 3 series easily.. maybe that explains their mind set.
- Status = Then a fair comparison will be IS250 and 3 Series instead. IS250 = 204 BHP. Handling better than Mark X due Shorter Wheel Base.

Above are just my 5 cents worth. Those are just some of the Questions that run thru my mind 8 months back when I was stuck in scenerio - "Buy Which? IS250, 320 or Mark X ?"
When monies are not an issue.. it voice down to what you want next in the same platform.....
Well.... I chose Mark X.
How I feel about my decision ? "Till today, I still feel High !!!! .... No Regrets."
In fact, one of our Member who bought a X, loves it so much that he bought another IS250. Both Ride with the same Dual VVTi V6 Engine.... YOu can call him crazy.
Choose one that your Heart feels most... that is the X Factor that ends you up in the next Ride.

Beemer ? IS250? Mark X? What say you??? .............. Hey.. even the new Camry looks Nice if you don't mind the IN Line 4 Engine. Even Audi makes head turn. Saab LPT turns you on ?
So many Choice....... LOL......... Must be feeling Lost now ya.........

Good Luck!!!!!

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