Malfunctioning Throttle Body


Well-Known Member
Dunno if any valvetronics here ever had the above problem?

Whistling sound from the throttle body when engine started but not broken breather hose or anything...Worst, smoke coming out from bonnet after 10 mins of hard driving

Both BVO and J4C did independent checks and confirmed throttle body faulty but still useable....

But parts currently no stock even for pml... Apparently, nobody brings in the parts for the above e46 FL so will have to wait for a month.....

Meanwhile any bros who are thinking of selling ride might want to trade with me plus me top up ???? at least i can sleep better at night...hahahahahahhhah :)

Can sms me at 9800 8895...

Re: Malfunctioning Throttle Body

Strange...have never heard of a throttle body giving out smoke. How's the idle? Nevertheless, they are quite prone to gunk accumulation resulting in a lumpy idle. Juz have to clean the throttle plate...
Re: Malfunctioning Throttle Body

Idling at 800 rpm quite constant ....

Pick up and cruising feels normal to me, in fact improved throttle response after CAI and iridium plugs...

Diagnostic shows nothing wrong with car... just the irritating whistling sound when engine turned on and worrying smoke when driven hard :( :(
Re: Malfunctioning Throttle Body

When you say smoke, is it fumes? The sort of fumes is quite critical to the diagnosis; fuel mixture? Exhaust or blow-by gases? Where is it eaxctly coming from? How's the fuel and oil consumption?

Did the problem surface before or after you installed the CAI and/or iridium plug? The throttle body is a mechanical device that controls the amt of air(and corresponding fuel by the MAF) to the plenum and to the engine that rarely gives trouble, maybe that's the reason there is no ex-stock.
Re: Malfunctioning Throttle Body

Fuel consumption still the same as previously. The sparks and CAI were done after problem surfaced so nothing to do with it

And i meant fumes NOT SMOKE... kekekek ... sorry for my misrepresentation :)

Now have to patiently wait for the parts to arrive.. thanks GTV6 anyway for ur advice
Re: Malfunctioning Throttle Body


J4C changed the throttle body for me on Mon 23/01 and the whistling sound is gone.....Damage was $660.

But Funnily, i was at BVO today to fix the booster throttle device (from Great White) and spoke to Ah wee abt throttle body problem... he was telling me all valvetronics have this whistling sound from throttle body.....??????? :(
Re: Malfunctioning Throttle Body

Just a question about this whistling sound. Does it only come on after starting the car, then goes away after half a minute from the front passenger side of the car?
Re: Malfunctioning Throttle Body

Hahahah...Nexus... welcome to the WHISTLING CLUB.....:)

By the way, the throttle body is in ur engine bay
Re: Malfunctioning Throttle Body

Haven't actually tried to localise the sound in the engine bay but happens only occasionally. Probably will get it checked out later on.