MAF for Valvetronic (To Piggy)


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PLs lah....U think u happy only is it! I also am happy. ok!

Piggy thanks for the tip...

Cheers all...
Anyway, in order to prevent this turning into a private conversation, what happened was that after reading a discussion on the E46fanatics longtime back, i told some of the guys over at kopi that a good cheap mods that we can do to our car is to remove the screen off the MAF as these are highly restrictive,especially if the stock box with dop in filter is used...

The reason being that "theroretically" no dirt bigger than the filtration size particles can go the MAF as they would have been captured at the airbox by the filter...

Our MAF consists of 2 layer of screen, 1st layer made of of 5mm square slot and the 2nd layer, 1mm wire mesh...

Sometime back, i took out it out and found the "mod" pretty impressive, valued against bucks with the mid to high end pull much better...

The hindeside is that the MAF will be more vulnerable to water with the missing mesh to protect it, which might result in cooking the MAF..... :verysad:
Hi Piggyboyz,,, now i gain back my low end, did some special effect.. kekekee tell u next time when meet.
wondering, will this MOD affect the rev ??? Now i can rev til 6500RPM... :screwedu:
Hmmmm really ah !! That's a good new but i don think it will affect the revv, what i can think off is that with the engine more free revving, it will swing faster and during the gear change, it will overun a little, which is perfectly fine cos my can swing close to 6.7 sometime when i full revv and upshift only in the red... :dance: :dance:

So what's the special effect u done ? Can share with the rest of the guys ma... All in the spirit of the forum :thumbsup:
piggyboyz said:
So what's the special effect u done ? Can share with the rest of the guys ma... All in the spirit of the forum :thumbsup:

hahaaa.. the idea is not from me, its cliff. so we both tried.
as u know, i created a air intake in my air-box. So, i found that the low end lost due to too much air... we've created a flip at the original air scoop. the flip will close when the car is not high rev or normal driving... once u gun ur car, the flip will open to let more air coming in for mid n high end. interesting ya :laughlik:
ok, one question... will this air/fuel mixture ecu will burn when air intake volume keep changing stage to stage ??? :screwedu:
calvin said:
piggyboyz said:
So what's the special effect u done ? Can share with the rest of the guys ma... All in the spirit of the forum :thumbsup:

hahaaa.. the idea is not from me, its cliff. so we both tried.
as u know, i created a air intake in my air-box. So, i found that the low end lost due to too much air... we've created a flip at the original air scoop. the flip will close when the car is not high rev or normal driving... once u gun ur car, the flip will open to let more air coming in for mid n high end. interesting ya :laughlik:
Is that what you're gonna do for me as well?? :thinking:
rodders said:
Is that what you're gonna do for me as well?? :thinking:

Yes. U interested ? else will just let other ppl have it. Must arrange timing, our engineer-Cliff very busy lately.. hahahaaa :laughlik:
calvin said:
rodders said:
Is that what you're gonna do for me as well?? :thinking:

Yes. U interested ? else will just let other ppl have it. Must arrange timing, our engineer-Cliff very busy lately.. hahahaaa :laughlik:
Yeah....oredi told you so the other day mah......will talk more at our Simpang kopi session.
[quote="calvin]hahaaa.. the idea is not from me, its cliff. so we both tried.
as u know, i created a air intake in my air-box. So, i found that the low end lost due to too much air... we've created a flip at the original air scoop. the flip will close when the car is not high rev or normal driving... once u gun ur car, the flip will open to let more air coming in for mid n high end. interesting ya :laughlik:
ok, one question... will this air/fuel mixture ecu will burn when air intake volume keep changing stage to stage ??? :screwedu:

That is actually a brilliant idea, to create a flap ! I would do the same too if i were u :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

As for the MAF, don think there will br much prob. Basically the MAF will pick up the air velocity and translate into volume of air and adjust the fuel accordingly during the close loop..

In open loop, the car will be on maximum fuel anyway, so no prob.

Stock car run rich, so extra air like that has no detrimental effect one...

Just MOD it !!! kekeke

By the way, can u help me with the Malaysia ticket or not huh ? Tomolo last day izit ? I sms u later
piggyboyz said:
By the way, can u help me with the Malaysia ticket or not huh ? Tomolo last day izit ? I sms u later

Oh shit... i forgot. later i check with them. i still got 4 tickets need to settle. will let u know ASAP.
Sorry, don't quite follow you. what do you mean by create a flap? This flap is electonically activated based on the engine's rpm? or is it activated through some other means? Thanks
MRacer77 said:
Sorry, don't quite follow you. what do you mean by create a flap? This flap is electonically activated based on the engine's rpm? or is it activated through some other means? Thanks

The flap is not electronic. its just a simple plain plastic. it will open when suction power created by engine.. ;) oh ya, its for air intake before the filter... this mod is to bring back the low end.
I see... ok... cool. Thanks for the clarification. But aren't you worried that with the flap open, water will enter the air intake?
MRacer77 said:
I see... ok... cool. Thanks for the clarification. But aren't you worried that with the flap open, water will enter the air intake?

Nope. it wont ;) placed at the original air intake there.
Ive tried this mod myself.

I took out the whole airbox, unscrewed/unbolted the MAF from the airbox.

then i noticed the 2 screens. 1 wire mesh and on top the square one.

Okay.. i tried to NO AVAIL with all my strenght to pry off the square one.

Didnt budge.

I tried to use a flathead screwdriver to push it from underneath without damaging the protruding MAF sensor.

Didnt budge. Tried ALL and still didnt budge.

How did u guys get it out so easily? Any cutting or using the the dremel tool involved?
k3nny said:
How did u guys get it out so easily? Any cutting or using the the dremel tool involved?

NOT easy at all. no special tool, but just a cutter. once taken out, u can't put it back ! :laughlik:
Oh no...

Anyone ever attempted this mod and decided they didnt like it, so they went back and bought themselves a new MAF and kept the old one in the garage modded and wanna sell it to me?

On a seperate note, can i please know where to cut and what you mean by cutting tool to remove this MAF?
k3nny said:
Oh no...

Anyone ever attempted this mod and decided they didnt like it, so they went back and bought themselves a new MAF and kept the old one in the garage modded and wanna sell it to me?

On a seperate note, can i please know where to cut and what you mean by cutting tool to remove this MAF?

r u in sin ? new MAF cost a bomb !
Calvin n Cliff. The things they think of. *sigh* will our roads be safe ever again...

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