M54 Engine Transplant


Well-Known Member
Legendary 10 Years
Wah.......bro, I'm impressed!! Seems like you're a very serious modder with a very deep pocket. All the best in your modding project.

What does the 14 to 15k charges include? Is it just labor or is it for the complete job. Please be aware that you will need to upgrade the suspension, brakes and transmission as well.

The 3000 euros only includes the engine? Actually for that amount or slightly more, you could probably get a used e36 M3 engine and tranny...

S$15k includes a brand new engine and labour. Better check around for better price if you can source for your own engine.
11-12k is stretching it a bit. you may want to prepare a few more ks. your 320i tranny will have to go too. about 3-4k for 2nd hand one i suppose.
Hi BlackM54,

Over here in KL, there's a M60 3.0 V8 halfcut for sale. Imagine the sound of that?! Total cost plus installation won't be more than S$14k, and I'm also interested in your M54 engine if you happen to do an engine transplant! :D

Re: M54 Engine Transplant

blackm54 said:
Hi all,

Am new here in the forum. Just bought a 03' 320i recently and thrown in approx 10k of mods already within the last one month - most of it cosmetics! I am seriously contemplating about a 3.0 engine transplant. Found a used demounted M54 3.0i for 3000 euro on the alpina website. Also asked around workshops and got quoted 14-15k for the job done.

Cant seem to find a link on this topic. Anyone with this mod or knowledge can share their experiences or other better suggestions? I have a budget of about 11-12k max for this mod. Would prefer not to go with forced induction as of yet. Any information on this would be appreciated. ;)

U don have to bring in the engine yourself, in singapore it will cost ard 13 to 14k, depending on Euros for the complete swap with matching re-programme.

But like RB said, get ready for a tranny swap cos the tranny is the weakest link in the setup...

U will also like to know that the engine is not the only difference in the 320 and 330. The rear sub frame for the 330 is much stronger than the 320 and 325.

Last but not least, be a responsible modder, upgrade ur brake as well... The last thing u want is to get into an accident in a modded car... Insurance WILL NOT cover.....
locally, the workshops here have access to many bench test engines from germany. most popular is the 3.0L of course. certain times s54 half cuts do turn up, but they are snatched up by other richer ppl in the region. if you have certain requirements just go straight to them to ask them to help you keep a lookout.
RB, heavy lah pak... and I don't think many people make after market parts for it... but slapping on a twin turbo there will be cool.. hehe
Thank you all for the help and replies. Half cut S54 and V8 all sounds delicious. But don't wanna get caught with my pants down when the man in white opens the hood. Seems like the price is all around that 14k region for engine alone.... Might have to wait for a few more months so i can do it one shot!!! :)
correction, i meant 14k including labour. Anyone with that mod already? can add some negative inputs? Some discouragement will do me good financially.
Well... if its not done properly then you will be having many many problems as long as you own the car... the electronics if not done properly will give you fits man...
Re: M54 Engine Transplant

(yes its an retro thread)
yo blackm54, any updates on yr transplant?

blackm54;17074 said:
correction, i meant 14k including labour. Anyone with that mod already? can add some negative inputs? Some discouragement will do me good financially.

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