Light cluster holder and connector


Well-Known Member
I'm getting the irritating check rear lights signal even though all lights are working fine..

upon closer inspection, the socket in the light holder and connector seems slightly burnt..

anyone knows a good place to replace them and the ballpark damage?

Re: Light cluster holder and connector

confirm ur bulb(s) is fused, just have it replaced at pml or BVO or can diy
Re: Light cluster holder and connector

You can get replacement bulb holders at Eng Soon for like $30 (comes with bulbs even)..
Or you can just sand paper the connector a little to improve the connection point and replace with a new bulb..
Re: Light cluster holder and connector

This is a typical E46 problem and it's due to the design flaws of the connector.

U will realised that it's the connector side, not the bulb holder side that has melted due to arcing. Spray some contact cleaner and try pushing it back in to ensure a full contact and that should sometime resolve the problem.
Re: Light cluster holder and connector

hey thanx!

problem solved.. the blur mechanic put the wrong type of pin bulbs into the holder.. changed all 6 and no more red check lights liao..

piggyboyz, u are rite, the connector side has melted, and this is making one light dimmer than the rest, and sometimes makes the signal blink faster..

anyway, car due for enhanced servicing at cas, will replace the connector if they have the part..

Re: Light cluster holder and connector

I faced the similiar problem with my bulbs. The warning light sometimes come on and off. Checked all the lights and they were working and the connector was not melted.

Finally got damn fedup and stripped all the 4 bulb holders to clean all the contacts. Found that the original bulbs from BMW (Flosser brand) were still working but the post that connect the filament to the connections on the base of the bulb were burnt and became very thin.

So changed both the bulbs afterthat no more problems with the warning signals.

Do give it a try if you face similiar problems. The replacement bulbs cost something like $2 and can change in 1min flat... so why not try....


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