Leather Cleaning Kit from PML


Well-Known Member
Dear All,

Though of buying afew of the PML leather/plastic cleaning/restoration stuffs.
Any feedbacks? R they good?

Re: Leather Cleaning Kit from PML

if free from PML, i will use.. but to buy from them, not worth the amt paying! similar product out there that are 3 times cheaper.
Re: Leather Cleaning Kit from PML

The leather cleaner/restorer is good, been using it on my E46 for 2 years, keeps the leather in good condition. Get it only if there is a discount...
Re: Leather Cleaning Kit from PML

emiffy said:
The leather cleaner/restorer is good, been using it on my E46 for 2 years, keeps the leather in good condition. Get it only if there is a discount...

AGREED! Watch for it to on discount. I got mine from PML in the east...
Re: Leather Cleaning Kit from PML

Most of the stuff from PML is pretty good, I have been using them since the 1990's. A tat expensive though..... The kit is quite reasonable.... don't use the paint waxes........no good. for leather, hide food is best.
Re: Leather Cleaning Kit from PML

I use almost most the cleaning product from BMW. Generally quite satified with the outcome. But agreed, it's pricy.

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