knocking sound from the rear??


Well-Known Member
Anyone experience occassional rear knocking sound while turning the steering wheel? Please advice. My ride is 1.5 years old.
You probably have to isolate the sound...whether it's the driveline or the suspension.

If you're saying that it only happens when u turn the steering, it's less likely to be a driveline issue.
If it's drivetrain, it will have noise regardless of whether it's going striaght or turning cos the drive train don turn...

It's more likely to be from suspension (like top mount of absorber) since the car will be in different compressive force during a turn.

hi there.... i have experience the same. how??//

i thought of going to high light to performance motor.

advise please........
i have the same problem too.
everytime when i drive in carparks, n turn the wheel completely,
i can hear "thud thud" sound coming from the rear.
i think the knocking sound started after i upsized my rims..
so i guess it shld be related?
Hi all,

Me 2 encounter this "knock knock "sound too.
Initially,i lower my car w/o changing my shock absorber, the noise was kind of obvious, after i change to full set of lowered spring and shock,the noise get softer,it come and go.It seem to be on the left side.

Back on my stock rim, seem to be ok,no noise heard( cant hear any), change back to 18", noise is back again, at times only.

My conclusion muz be 18". :thinking:
Yup! I recently upsize to 18" and there are noise from the left rear side.

PML took my ride for a short ride and verified the noise. Suspect to be rear axle and mounting problem. However, PML will have to reconfirm again, isolate the source of the noise and fix it.

Sending in my ride to Kg Arang on MOnday. Estimated 2 days to fix.

Those facing such problem ... bring back to PML and %*(^)(&()&)&)%%$%$#%#. THey boh pian ... must change whatever parts they think are the cause of the problem.

already made appt on this coming thurs to ?@#&^(&^$#%@#$^*&

wana join in to $*&^%#@$#%&..............maybe more effective!!!

On top of yr @#$%&^$^&()*()*(%$^&%&^(*&(*&_(*+)(*&%*#$*^%*&

will the rear knock knock sound affect any components in long term? It remind of my sad story again

Got a replicia kit,look nice but was a "Guinea pig" Vendor(the one selling kit) claim that the installer he recommend got experience in installation before but a check with the installer, he told me i'm the first one to do so.

look nice but don like the feeling of being chXXXed :shoot: :shoot: :shoot: :shoot:
Got the knock knock sound fixed at PML. Problem is rear bushings (rear low control arms wear and tear) and they changed the rear pairs.

SO you have this problem, please ^(&)^(%(^)^*$%^#$#$% at PML and get them to replace under warranty.
(*%*^$*%(^)(%^$%^#%#$% ... tok tok sound from the rear still exisitng. Going in to PML and 2 x #^$&%*^()(%&$^#$#%$^%&^ againnnn ...

What a waste of my previous time!
I have this irritating sound too ....only upon turning left on uneven ground , the sound becomes more apparent..tried to isolate by removing almost everything from boot except subwoofer and still the sound returns. :verysad:
Mine is a June 2004 E46 320i.....any advise would be great!!
Whiplash77 said:
I have this irritating sound too ....only upon turning left on uneven ground , the sound becomes more apparent..tried to isolate by removing almost everything from boot except subwoofer and still the sound returns. :verysad:
Mine is a June 2004 E46 320i.....any advise would be great!!

Hi !

When I collected my car 1 year ago, I have encountered knocking sound from rear, at first I thought it was the seat belt.

Send it to PML and they confirmed is rear Shock Absorber did not tighten properly.

I hope your are facing the same problem as mine :)

Since your car is under warranty, just send it to PML.

See you around :)
PML took out the shock absorber and lubricate all four of them. CS staff, mechanic and supervisor tested and confirmed ok before handing the ride to me.

Seems like the tok tok sound is gone. But let see how long this is going to last???

My confidence in PML is rotten now.

One thing I learn ... ($&$*%(^(%^$%^##%&^**(*) many many times at PML and threaten to bring legal actions or ask to see PML management , then the CS wil wake up his idea and treat your problem seriously.
I "solved" that problem when I changed my suspension and bought the M3 rear shock mount plus Z3 reinforcement plates. Think that it last longer :)
Had my bushings replaced at PML today...sound seems to have disappeared ( crossed fingers ;) 8 month old car needs to have bushings replaced ? :|

Open wide your ears and hear properly ..

Mine was ok for 2 days, then sound comes back again....

Seems like absorber problem to me though ... Damned PML ... did not change, just lubricate. So far no sound for 1 week already. But I am sensing that the problem persist again ...
I agree it does sound like either absorber or mounting issue..when the sound appeared my car really handled oddly ( now that I got my car back from PML maybe I have a sense of hope , hopefully not misguided ) it goes over potholes and bumps better , not rattly...we'll see. ( Crossed fingers again :furious: )
sounds like that can come from a variety of parts.

1)antiroll bar bushings. especially for those who have upgraded their ARB, which normally comes with silicone or PU bushings. they are tougher but require more lubrication. sound usually comes out when going over humps, or one wheel going over a hump/slope. slapping grease on will solve the problem.

2) knocking noise from the front. it could be your steering control arm link. the bushings on the link are worn out and the link needs to be replaced. short little piece of metal. quite cheap. Those who have changed to coilovers should receive an aftermarket part replacement for that. so check before you order BMW parts.

3) knocking sound from front or rear, when going into reverse or forward, for one time. could be brake pads shifting under the caliper while braking. happens only once in each direction of travel. Cant do anything much about it.

4) knocking sound when going over undulating roads, humps, beginning of a slope. Could be your springs shifting on the spring seats. the spring seats are made of rubber and may have worn off. those who change to shorter springs may feel it too. those on coilovers may experience the same, when the spring seat, usually made of teflon gets worn off and shifts around under stress. change out that part.

5) others. Top shock mounts, loose dust covers on bushings, worn out lower arm ball joint bushings, etc all can contribute to these knocking noises too.

unless the entire bushing has dropped out, all of the above symptoms are safe. they only cause noise and irritates. But it's a sign of wear and tear too. otherwise, car is still safe to drive.

other sounds like:
1) creaking when turning steering, means low power steering fluid level, or leaking power steering hose,
2)whirring sound, means wheel bearing end of lifespan already.

basically you cannot pinpoint anything sitting in the car and driving it. best is to hoist up the car and visually check for where the noise is coming from.

as one is not allowed into the PML workshop, these problems are best solved at an outside workshop, where you and the mechanic can do a once over together under the car (sounds kinky), and pinpoint the origin of the noise. Possible outcome of bringing into PML is that you spend time to send car in, they look at it in workshop, find nothing wrong, return you the car, you drive away and the noise is still there. repeat process a few times, and your fist print will end up etched on their table. With an independent workshop you can pinpoint which part is faulty, and if it;s still under warrenty, drive into PML and tell them straight to focus on that part.

hope this helps.

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