Intending to buy a BMW 525i E60


Hi all,

I currently drive a Honda Stream and have been considering getting a BMW525i once my COE ends in August this year. I've never owned a continental car before, so the 525i might be the first one.

Could I know what are the common issues regarding this car that I should be aware of? Of course conti cars are higher in terms of maintenance as compared to most asian ones, however I'd like to know how much higher, and how common are certain issues likely to crop up. Also, what's the fuel consumption likely to be on a car like this?

Appreciate the info given. Thank you.
Dude, E60 at most will only have 2-3 years left on a normal 10 year COE. Unless you are willing to change the major components here and there, it may not be worthwhile to extend the COE.

Common issues will be worn out seals, gaskets which are very common for conti cars, and usually last 2years + per change.
Spare parts are generally about 30-50% more expensive than Jap, if buy from stockist. Probably double if compare between PML and Kah Motors.
Labour is generally about 50%-80% more than Jap workshops, depending on job.

Note that this is from my personal experience switching from jap to E60.

FC should be about 7-8km/L on 50city/50HW. This one should not be a factor if you ever want to consider a conti in Singapore, lol.
Dude, E60 at most will only have 2-3 years left on a normal 10 year COE. Unless you are willing to change the major components here and there, it may not be worthwhile to extend the COE.

Common issues will be worn out seals, gaskets which are very common for conti cars, and usually last 2years + per change.
Spare parts are generally about 30-50% more expensive than Jap, if buy from stockist. Probably double if compare between PML and Kah Motors.
Labour is generally about 50%-80% more than Jap workshops, depending on job.

Note that this is from my personal experience switching from jap to E60.

FC should be about 7-8km/L on 50city/50HW. This one should not be a factor if you ever want to consider a conti in Singapore, lol.

Hey dude, thanks for being so detailed.

I'm looking at cars which have very low mileage. I understand the norm that higher mileage means higher wear and tear. There are a couple which are below 70,000 km, registered in 2009, which have interested me. Do you think it'll still be high on maintenance due to wear and tear?

Haha yes, FC isn't a deciding factor, it's more of preparing myself for what it'll be like if I decide to go for it.

Looking forward to your reply ;)
Low Mileage? Many second hand BMW cars have odometer reading 70k + (such a coincidence?) You better send to reputable workshop to check any "tampering". I saw 70k is the norm they like to set with ..... (maybe workshops have a standard coding program with settings 35k, 70k, 100k options by just a click).
yep, agree with ZEEKY, on average beemers should be at least 15k mileage/year.

That is when most owners do not want to spend on replacement of parts that are usually associated with 120k mileage, thats why they want to let go as well.

Safe bet is to set aside S$10k for replacement/service for the last 2 years in your budget consideration.
Low Mileage? Many second hand BMW cars have odometer reading 70k + (such a coincidence?) You better send to reputable workshop to check any "tampering". I saw 70k is the norm they like to set with ..... (maybe workshops have a standard coding program with settings 35k, 70k, 100k options by just a click).

That's a good point, I've heard a lot of about going across the border to get this done. However, if it's a unit that's been fully serviced by PML, wouldn't they have records of the car's mileage during servicing?
yep, agree with ZEEKY, on average beemers should be at least 15k mileage/year.

That is when most owners do not want to spend on replacement of parts that are usually associated with 120k mileage, thats why they want to let go as well.

Safe bet is to set aside S$10k for replacement/service for the last 2 years in your budget consideration.

What are the common parts needed for replacement during the 120K mileage?
That's a good point, I've heard a lot of about going across the border to get this done. However, if it's a unit that's been fully serviced by PML, wouldn't they have records of the car's mileage during servicing?
Yes, you can call up PML to enquire with the registration plate number, telling them that you intend to purchase this vehicle. They should be able to tell you when was the last servicing done and other info.
What are the common parts needed for replacement during the 120K mileage?

You will need expert advice on that.

Don't let it put off your decision, but just be prepared for them should you decide to get any 7-8 year old vehicle, regardless of make. Better to let one of the site sponsor evaluate and advise what and what not to change.
You will need expert advice on that.

Don't let it put off your decision, but just be prepared for them should you decide to get any 7-8 year old vehicle, regardless of make. Better to let one of the site sponsor evaluate and advise what and what not to change.

Noted. This is not related to BMW and I hope I don't get flagged for this, but any expert opinion on Audi A4? I'm looking at that as an alternative, and so far I've been impressed. Did a test drive earlier. If need be, do PM me. Thanks dude.
Noted. This is not related to BMW and I hope I don't get flagged for this, but any expert opinion on Audi A4? I'm looking at that as an alternative, and so far I've been impressed. Did a test drive earlier. If need be, do PM me. Thanks dude.
Just thought I'd share my opinion. A4 may be plagued with high engine oil consumption problem. 4k to fix.

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Main culprit for high engine oil consumption are usually worn out valve seals and/or engine gaskets. This can happen to any car, but 'supposed' to be more common for A4 and 3 series (older gen). Valve seal replacements do not cost more than 1K at the site sponsors. 4K is more like engine top overhaul, which incidentally SHOULD include valve seals and engine gaskets, unless you mean at AD, then 4K is probably right, lol lol
Hey dude, thanks for being so detailed.

I'm looking at cars which have very low mileage. I understand the norm that higher mileage means higher wear and tear. There are a couple which are below 70,000 km, registered in 2009, which have interested me. Do you think it'll still be high on maintenance due to wear and tear?

Haha yes, FC isn't a deciding factor, it's more of preparing myself for what it'll be like if I decide to go for it.

Looking forward to your reply ;)

In my experience I have had better experience with buying high mileage cars than low mileage cars for a couple of reasons:
1) Likelihood of mileage being tempered is higher than our trains breaking down
2) In genuine low mileage cases, as the previous owner hasn't driven the car enough, the 'inevitable problems' so to speak has not surfaced and rectified, hence when you take over ownership it'll be your cost to bear (reverse is true for high mileage cars, to a certain extent).
3) Further room for discussion regarding price when it's a high mileage car - I set aside the 'savings' from this and allocate it for additional maintenance- but so far my buys have not given me issues and I use it for cosmetic/performance upgrades instead :)

In most mid-level contis I think you'll be alright if you just allocate 5~10% of your purchase price for unexpected maintenance expenses. I might be oversimplifying the whole experience but I think you get the rough picture. At the end of the day just do your homework and do a PPI by your trusted mechanic and enjoy your ride :)

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