Improved Ignition Coils for N42 Valvetronic Engine


Well-Known Member
Re: Improved Ignition Coils for N42 Valvetronic Engine

drift838 said:
Does anyone know why did BMW come out with a newer version of the ignition coils for the valvetronic engine?

I sent my car in for servicing as my car had a rather rough idle. They change my ignition coils to the newer version. But when asked if the diagnostic picked up anything wrong with the coils, PML said no but mentioned that in some instances, the rough idle was attributed to the coils.

Any views?


Hi ! Brother.

How old is your ride ?

I have been facing the rough idel since I collected my new ride from PML.
My car is 318i Saloon. I have almost gave-up going to PML to complain. They just tune my idling but until today still facing the problem :(

I have even changed the Spark Plug but still idel very rough :(

I hope they will change the coil for me too :)
My car is a Dec 2001 production, but purchased in early 2003.
Yes, PML will always tune the car via the electronics in the valve lift and idle rpm, and clearing the adaptive values.

The rough idle went away for that, but came back mths later. When I send in the car again, they tuned it + changed the ignition coils.

What's the production mth & yr of your car? U may have the new coils already.

Is your rough idle in term of the vibrations or a bubbling noise?

Re: Improved Ignition Coils for N42 Valvetronic Engine

drift838 said:
Does anyone know why did BMW come out with a newer version of the ignition coils for the valvetronic engine?

I sent my car in for servicing as my car had a rather rough idle. They change my ignition coils to the newer version. But when asked if the diagnostic picked up anything wrong with the coils, PML said no but mentioned that in some instances, the rough idle was attributed to the coils.

Any views?


Every valvetronic got the rough idle. dun hv any new version of ignition coils bro, they just replaced it for you and tell u its newer version.
try to red line you car then stop, u'll feel the rough idling.
there is a good ignition coil for valvetronic, check out this
N42 use Type 3 coil ;)
does the valvetronic use individual ignition coils or only has a single coil via a distributor?
drift838 said:
My car is a Dec 2001 production, but purchased in early 2003.
Yes, PML will always tune the car via the electronics in the valve lift and idle rpm, and clearing the adaptive values.

The rough idle went away for that, but came back mths later. When I send in the car again, they tuned it + changed the ignition coils.

What's the production mth & yr of your car? U may have the new coils already.

Is your rough idle in term of the vibrations or a bubbling noise?


My car is 2003 production and bought it in Feb 2004. In other words, it is a brand new car.

How to make PML change the coil for me :thinking:

My car mileage is 12000KM only.
check this out from the US site. looks like a very common problem in our E46s...

The Bremi coil defect is almost as widespread as the slipping transmission safety defect.

ALL SIX Bremi Coils must be replaced.

The Service Bulletin is 12 08 03 dd Nov 03 goes something like this:

This Service Information bulletin supersedes S.I. B12 08 03 dated November 2003.

Bremi Ignition Coil Replacement

E36/7; M roadster/coupe with S54 from 02/01 up to 06/02
E46, M3 with S54 from 03/01 up to 11/02, and from 01/03 up to 07/03
E46 with M54 from 09/02 up to 11/02, and from 01/03 up to 07/03
E39 with M54 from 09/02 up to 11/02, and from 01/03 up to 07/03
E53, X5 3.0 from 09/02 up to 11/02, and from 01/03 up to 07/03
E85, Z4 from series introduction up to 11/02, and from 01/03 up to 07/03

Engine may run rough and "Check Engine" light is illuminated. Misfire faults are stored in DME control module.
Reduced ignition firing power of BREMI coils due to coil internal insulation deterioration.

Follow the appropriate Test Plan from DIS Plus/GT1.
If BREMI ignition coil is found to be defective, and the production date stamped on top of other coils housing's is
42/2002 or earlier, or in the range from 01/03 up to 24/03 all six coils must be replaced . For replacement instructions
refer to RA 12 13 511 found in BMW TIS.
Only coils manufactured by BREMI are affected. BREMI coils are easily recognizable by the all black, shiny housings.
Your car may already have the new coils. Recalled that people were talking about replacing the coils in late 03.

Can you describe your rough idle in greater detail?
Is it the vibration or a bubbling noise, on load or off load?

For one thing, I know that the slight vibration cannot be eradicated, but for the noise, they can still do something about it.

You can't really insist on changing the coils. Even if you ask them if there are newer versions, they will not tell you. Dun expect transparency at PML. I know that they have kept alot of truth from me... sigh...

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