
Re: ImNew

Hi there and welcome. PLease do tell us more about yourself and your ride leh......Your intro is too short liao. The longer your intro, the more friends you'll make...............kekeke
Re: ImNew

Welcome. Very nice ride u have there in your avatar. Rare colour too.
Re: ImNew

Welcome to the forum, ImNew. Hope you could join us for the next meetup in September (on the 25th). Cheers.
Re: ImNew

Hi ImNew...Good to hv u here, too bad u missed the meet up last week...very nice weather

Cya ard
Btw, ImOld

Re: ImNew

Hi ImNew,

Welcome to the forums, see ya at the next meet up or join the guys for soccer.
BTW ImBored

Re: ImNew

okie, im in my mid 20s, nothing much abt me though but i enjoy playing warcraft : P my ride is very oem except for the ac lip and spoiler. Waiting for my rims and saving up for a quad exhaust. Anyone here got caught using esienmann? cos im saving for that and im thinking wether should i buy or not cos its not cheap and its not legal. Pls advise...... btw i ask abt ac its $5064.00 and hamann cost abt 2100 EUROs. Sob sob.
Re: ImNew

Yo imold, i did went to the last meetup. 7-10 cars at 5pm, i dunno anyone there so i left : P.
Re: ImNew

Sorry to hear that, but were you driving a silver 6er?
Re: ImNew

ImNew said:
Imold nice m3 u got there!

Thanks ImNew..

Yeah, those ACS n Hamann's are bloody expensive, reason is because they are OEM to Remus and Eisenmann it's like made to order and hence prices are always higher. Same thing goes to their rims.

Legalilty is one issue but I think it's not as bad as other mods like engine swap, Forced Induction, stroker kits things like that..

If I were u, I would go straight and grab that Eisenmann exhaust. But don't buy the titanium ones coz they are too loud and too attention grabbing tho I must say the sound is sweet ( at least I hv listened to it on an M3)

BTW, that Hamann's was quoted by Phoenix Enterprise, wasn't it?

Do bear in mind that quad conversion will require your rear valance be cut to accommodate the twin pipes..
Easy job nonetheless so no worries.

Gd Luck
Re: ImNew

hehehe wow u know phoenix pricing very well. Its a ripped off i say. esiesnmann will cost me ard $3900 but i heard from a friend that it wont be as loud as the m3 comparing to mine, leaving me a big ? as i havent seen anyone fitting it on a 6 b4.
Re: ImNew

kenntona said:
but were you driving a silver 6er?

Kenntona, from his avatar, his ride is Chiaretto Red lah ...

Silver is me and I was admiring your sound system in your boot during Sunday meet up lah ...
Re: ImNew

ImNew said:
hehehe wow u know phoenix pricing very well. Its a ripped off i say. esiesnmann will cost me ard $3900 but i heard from a friend that it wont be as loud as the m3 comparing to mine, leaving me a big ? as i havent seen anyone fitting it on a 6 b4.

3.9K is way much cheaper than ACS and Hamann's...There u go.
I hv a friend who put on ACS and they are pretty loud and bassy. I quite like it.

It's indeed a ripped off price they quoted. FYG, a Hamann's rear diffuser + quad exhaust cost near 6K (for M3) :whatthe:

Anyway, if u do change to those non LTA compliant one, ensure u keep ur stock mufflers for inspection purposes next time if needed.

Gd Luck
Re: ImNew

ImNew said:
okie, im in my mid 20s, nothing much abt me though but i enjoy playing warcraft : P my ride is very oem except for the ac lip and spoiler. Waiting for my rims and saving up for a quad exhaust. Anyone here got caught using esienmann? cos im saving for that and im thinking wether should i buy or not cos its not cheap and its not legal. Pls advise...... btw i ask abt ac its $5064.00 and hamann cost abt 2100 EUROs. Sob sob.

Hi ImNew, next month you gotta change your nick pretty soon cos you will be old.... keke...

Haven't played Warcraft TFT for a while, still playing DOTA Chaos (Korean version) from time to time....

Re: ImNew

taddy_lah said:
Kenntona, from his avatar, his ride is Chiaretto Red lah ...

Silver is me and I was admiring your sound system in your boot during Sunday meet up lah ...
Oh yeah, taddy_lah. Nice to meet you. Nice ride you have. Chio.

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