Re: I need help.. My car power loss 4 more times!
if there is a strong petrol smell from the exhaust when the problem occurs, there is a strong likelihood that the ignition system is faulty. one or more cylinders are not firing. and the problem can be either a faulty spark plug cable or spark plug. try to isolate the problem with the set-by-step procedure below:
1. locate the ignition coil (this is not the faulty component since the car will still start and run)
2. locate the spark plug cables
3. disconnect one spark plug cable and start the engine
4. note the presence of the symton
5. reconnect the spark plug cable
6. repeat steps 3 to 5 for each spark plug cable
you can isolate the problematic cable/spark plug pretty quickly with this method. dont know which engine your car has but you will have to remove some engine covers to gain access to the ignition system.
an alternate and more straight way is to replace all the spark plugs as the problem can be due to a faulty spark plug. this is quite cheap too. if the problem persist, then the spark plug cables should be changes but this will be a costlier move.
disclaimer: the above steps, successfully used to diagnose a similar sympton and isolated a faulty spark plug cable, should be carried out at the readers' discretion and the contributor shall not be held responsible for any damage to the readers' vehicle or injury to the readers who are carrying out the procedures.
SMYUEN said:
Yo folks,
Really need some strong minds out there.. My car suffered sudden unexplained power loss with strong engine vibrations 5 times in all today. All the times I had to stop and restart engine. A few times it occured while I was trying to donwshift while in 5th gear (applying throttle in "D" mode), another one I was just cruising along at 50-60kmh.
If I stop the car and rev the engine - its an awful sounding dud-dud-dud-dud-dud.. mis-firing cylinders????
Anybody has a clue??
:verysad: :verysad: :verysad: