noew said:
thanks for your inputs. any particular workshops that i should visit? what, in your opinion, is most essential to do?
Well... I would think tat u shld draft out a mod plan as a start. This will not only reach ur goal more objectively but also save u money at the end.
Since ur car and my previous ride are of similar model, u can use my list as a guide.
From the list, ranging them from power mod to least power mod.
1) Intake (filter at ur own perference, from S$100 to S$800) and Exhaust (mine was the cat-back remus, LTA certified, S$1100)
2) UUC Pulley, S$400 at BVO
3) Electric Engine Fan, S$??? at Juzz for Cars
4) Minor air intake improvement, S$100 DIY
5) Spark Plugs, S$130
6) ECU tuning. This will give u the most gains from above but is listed here last because only then can ur engine be optimised to perform accordingly.
There are 3 methods of tuning the ECU.
1) Standalone ECU ( one to one replacement of ur stock ECU) - S$5000
2) Piggyback System ( An aftermarket ECU which piggyback onto ur stock ECU ) - Obit , Unichip and/or AFC Select - Price range S$800 to S$1000
3) Flash ECU Method ( Only aftermarket programs replaces ur stock program keeping the stock ECU intack) - Superchip or Hi-Op - Price range S$600 to S$700
Its totally up to you and depending on ur needs. Above are considered just minor mods which is good enuf for day to day street driving.
More power and I mean lots of power can be worked out but like I said... whats ur needs? heh heh...
Lastly, not forgetting the most important thing of the above. BRAKES!! Its a good and a must investment if you have substiantial power and torque increment from stock value.