How much does COE 318 regular servicing costs?


Active Member
Hi guys! :helpp!:

I'm interested in getting a used (read COE) 318.. But like to find out more about the maintanence costs for bmws

Are they that expensive like what everyone said?

Also like to find out about the FC of this 1.8L engine

Thanks people!

PS: I think this is not the correct folder to post in, but i can only access 3 folders

Thanks again!
Re: How much does COE 318 regular servicing costs?

Hi Buddy,
Currently driving 318 E36 Manual. Just owned it for about 2 months. Changed a couple of wear and tear items. Love the ride and the FC damn good. A full tank can bring in 550-600km, that's about 14-15l/km. So far, thats even better than the Trajet that I used to own. I guess, cars are like women, the more you service them, love them, shower them with surprises, they'll treat you well back.
Re: How much does COE 318 regular servicing costs?

think u calculate wrongly...
if u got 600km when u pump like 54 litres, it works out to be 11.11km/l
Re: How much does COE 318 regular servicing costs?

Thanks for the reply bro. I like to find out how much your workshop charges for regular servicing eg, changing timing belt, water pumps... or any electronic problems with it

just worried that the car will be a lemon buy.. cuz i've heard bmws are expensive to service, and parts are not cheap too... so repairing a lemon is {cry}
Re: How much does COE 318 regular servicing costs?

Owning a BMW is a diff cattle of fish all together. If u are used to jap cars esp Toyotas I garrantee you that you will complaint about the high running cost esp with a used BMW. Do buy a BMW from a guy u don't know!!!
Re: How much does COE 318 regular servicing costs?

If its expensive due to parts cost, I guess its part of the usual servicing interval.. but if it breaks down regularly, plus exhorbitant labour cost at performance motors, its not very forgivable

But I do hope some brothers here can help give a rough guide on the e36's parts replacement and servicing experience. My dad's also complaining about his w211's servicing cost at C&C, but its not like he can't afford it.

I'm actually looking at this...

Maybe i'll get lucky and get to know some of this car's history... [smiles]
Re: How much does COE 318 regular servicing costs?

good luck buddy. its an auto, so you might wanna standby more dough to do up the gearbox. It's a beautiful car nevertheless....let me know when you get it. cheers.:stop!:
Re: How much does COE 318 regular servicing costs?

Hi Runner bro, did saw you posted you changed a couple of wear and tear items..

Can I know vaguely what items you've changed and how much it costs?
Re: How much does COE 318 regular servicing costs?

Hi Mockingbird, I was hoping to get the dealer to cut some, cuz the paper value is only worth 21k.. 22 more k for a COE car is rather high
Re: How much does COE 318 regular servicing costs?

Runner71 said:
Hi Buddy,
Currently driving 318 E36 Manual. Just owned it for about 2 months. Changed a couple of wear and tear items. Love the ride and the FC damn good. A full tank can bring in 550-600km, that's about 14-15l/km. So far, thats even better than the Trajet that I used to own. I guess, cars are like women, the more you service them, love them, shower them with surprises, they'll treat you well back.

ur FC is really damn impressive lor. i have got a 318iA n i only manage to squeeze out 450km per full tank MAX......dats a pathetic 7km/L man. Btw, STOCK.
Re: How much does COE 318 regular servicing costs?

No big deal brudder.. the E36 is quite a sturdy car. Although parts are noted to be expensive but it is not that much more and they do last pretty well. My E36 spent most of its first week with me in the workshop.. coz I was outstationed. That initial bill was hefty in excess of $4.5K coz I had lots of parts replaced.. brakes, radiator, timing belt, water pump etc etc (as there were no maintenance history so I played safe).

It's almost 2 years now and it have not given me any undue problem. Just the standard upkeep affairs. Some major bills in between were due to upgrading to bigger brakes systems, suspension.. enhancement stuff usually. Just find a reliable workshop and stick with it where feasible. My workshop hunted down the records of my car and started a log in their computers... now I can view with their permission when I last changed what and so on. Otherwise, it would have been troublesome for me to keep track of stuff like this.

There are still quite an active E36 community here and many members are ready to share experiences and so on. Also, once you get used to the rear drive and BMW settings.. it hard to change car unless you have deep pockets.. that's about the only problem I faced.. I don't have deep pocket and luckily, COE bimmer are still affordable at least.

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