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Hot Inazma + Hot Wires


Well-Known Member
Anyone can let me know where can I get Hot Inazma + Hot Wires? Or someone wanna sell it....Thanks
Re: Hot Inazma + Hot Wires

are these ignition leads??..cos i'm looking for some to..:p..

PS: hey ROdney...where did u say i culd get my grubby hands on them sports leads again??..:p..hehh
Re: Hot Inazma + Hot Wires

Now got no lobang already...Used to get hot wires from some dealers who advertised in mags. No looks like dead and gone. If you keen, can get the nickel wires from McWell and mod them electrically to act like hotwires. They won't look the same but they will act the same.

Re: Hot Inazma + Hot Wires

hahh..no worries man...thanx for ur help either way... i've seen a couple of leads advertised n the net... might get some friends to bring in a set to try it out...
Re: Hot Inazma + Hot Wires

sure thing man...:)...

ur wheels sold already or not?..hahh..:)


holinezz said:
brother....let me know the price if u menage to get....
Re: Hot Inazma + Hot Wires

gwumpkus said:
sure thing man...:)...

ur wheels sold already or not?..hahh..:)


Someone reserves it...dunno whether he is sincere or not....
Re: Hot Inazma + Hot Wires

oic..hahh..ok.. i'm still looking...so if it doesnt turn out, do let me know eh?..:)

thanx mate..:)

holinezz said:
Someone reserves it...dunno whether he is sincere or not....
Re: Hot Inazma + Hot Wires

gwumpkus said:
oic..hahh..ok.. i'm still looking...so if it doesnt turn out, do let me know eh?..:)

thanx mate..:)

How much can you offer? if the price reasonable I just let go to u...jux fxxk care that guy..hahaha.

Re: Hot Inazma + Hot Wires

gwumpkus said:
oic..hahh..ok.. i'm still looking...so if it doesnt turn out, do let me know eh?..:)

thanx mate..:)

Bro, I found some hotwires at Gan Motorsports. They are for Jap cars but who knows, if they fit, why not?

You wanna try?

Re: Hot Inazma + Hot Wires

ha!..cool man..how much are they?..u reckon they might work?..i'm a klutz at electrics..

i guess we'll have to save the boots etc from the ext'g ones?..and just swap out the wires?

hope its not to mucch trouble for u !.


michael 97772984

yendor said:
Bro, I found some hotwires at Gan Motorsports. They are for Jap cars but who knows, if they fit, why not?

You wanna try?

Re: Hot Inazma + Hot Wires

Bro, i do not think i can swap the boots. They are gummed to the wires and cannot be removed. Sorry did not ask about the prices. Went there to buy some other things.

Why don't you try going there? Ask them to fit straight away. Save you money...

Gan Motorsports
10 Admiralty Rd
Northlink Bldg

Re: Hot Inazma + Hot Wires

yendor said:
Bro, I found some hotwires at Gan Motorsports. They are for Jap cars but who knows, if they fit, why not?

You wanna try?


Thanks Rodney...I just checked out the price for hot wires...they might take 3 weeks to order, selling at $4++ (Ex Ex)..but they don't carry Hot Inazma

Re: Hot Inazma + Hot Wires

Sh!t are the cables really so ex?

If you can get any cables with a metal wire core, you can recreate the hot wires capacitance effect by wrapping the outside with a metal shield of aluminium foil or braided wire and grounding the shield. The net effect is to create a small capacitor to store some voltage within the cable itself. The voltage will be slightly lower than ionisation and when the coil fires, all the extra energy goes towards firing the spark instead of building voltage before firing the spark. I think there is a shop that does the 50 nickel wires HT cables in made to order lengths. Is was that shop below autobacs when they were at Paya Lebar. Now the shop is located at the Paya Ubi place. Cannot remember the shop name...

I think it will work.
