High Rate of Battery Discharge


Well-Known Member
Hi All

I recently got a 2009 E60 (525i). After sending the car for servicing, the mechanic informed that there' "high rate of battery discharge". The battery was tested to be ok, so he speculated it could be the Intelligent Battery Sensor (IBS) faulty and advised me to monitor further.

It's been a week and everyday when I start the engine, the same warning prompt will appear. I did some online research and the common possible reasons are:
1. IBS cable fauty
2. Comfort access mechanism (door handle) faulty
3. Other electrical/electronic components not in sleep mode even after ignition is off

Anyone has the same experience, and any recommendation which workshop has the capability to diagnose the root cause and rectify the issue once and for all?

Thanks in advance.
High Rate of Battery Discharge

You can diagnose by eliminating one item each time from your list.

Start by removing the IBS cable overnight to check?

If you wanna pay someone to diagnose, can ask Codewerz or R2D?
Re: High Rate of Battery Discharge

Hi Carnuck78,
Thanks for your reply. I guess this topic has been discussed before in this forum, but seems like there's no easier answer than getting mechanics to investigate which can be time-consuming and costly.
Re: High Rate of Battery Discharge

pohls;1131794 said:
Hi Carnuck78,
Thanks for your reply. I guess this topic has been discussed before in this forum, but seems like there's no easier answer than getting mechanics to investigate which can be time-consuming and costly.

The IBS cable you can troubleshoot yourself.

The others a little more difficult unless you be some expertise so better pay WS to do so.

Try Dr Rod at R2D, he should be able to find the gremlins for you.

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