hey, new here


hey, i just found this site and i think its great! im 18, and while i technically dont own any bmws of my own, in a couple of months my dad's moving overseas and so he's gonna be leaving his E34 5 series, 89' model, here for me to use. also my rents just bought a 4month old E60 523i. just bought it 2 days ago, should be getting the keys on the 4th...really excited! apparently it was owned by BMW Asia, for their execs, and so at 4months old its being sold now, with barely 3000km on board. its black, with aubergine(orange!?) interior, and i was wondering how many cars there are with that combination? ive never seen the combinatino before, esp with the interior colour...takes some getting used to...

hope to hear from you all soon, happy new years
Re: hey, new here

Hi there and welcome to the forum. Enjoy your stay here and hope to see you around.

Re: hey, new here


Cool to have you on board. We have quite a lot of youngsters in the group as well...do join us if you have your license already ;) Cheers and see you around.

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