Help! RPM dips and engine stalls.


Active Member
My mechanic doesn't know what to do with my car. When driving, the RPM (and power) suddenly dips for a split second before I recover power. (Sometimes accompanied by the battery light (red) that appears for a split second as well.)

When stationary, the engine stalls. At carpark speeds, it may stall as well.

Has anyone experienced these symptoms before? I've changed a number of parts including fuel filter, fuel injection module and some air-intake thingy but the problem still persists.

BTW, my car model is E46 318 (double vanos).
Re: Help! RPM dips and engine stalls.

i had a friend with a E46 had similar problems. ill check with him if they finally had a fix for it.
Re: Help! RPM dips and engine stalls.

Is it possible given that the drop in RPM and power also happens when I am on the move (even at highway speed)?
Re: Help! RPM dips and engine stalls.

if like tis..i m nt veri sure..cos my car sumtimes would oso have tis type of probs..but not in highway speed..i have probs onli when parking,traffic jams,n reversing sumtimes.
Re: Help! RPM dips and engine stalls.

So you repaired the idling sensor? Maybe I'll ask my mechanic to check it out. How much does the repair cost?
Re: Help! RPM dips and engine stalls.

believe it's the crankshaft sensor if u have trouble starting car..

camshaft sensor if not..
Re: Help! RPM dips and engine stalls. of charge..juz call ur mechanic 2 check or cleaned the sensor for might help a little..instead of changing a new one..MORE EX
Re: Help! RPM dips and engine stalls.

Thanks to all of you for your kind advice. I'll definitely ask my mechanic to consider all the options raised by you. Hope you have a nice day ahead.
Re: Help! RPM dips and engine stalls.

I had similar problem..tried multiple fixes and finally turned out to be fuel pump. Once replaced problem gone.
Re: Help! RPM dips and engine stalls.

plug in diagno and you'll know in 3mins.. better than shooting in the dark. good luck man..
Re: Help! RPM dips and engine stalls.

PML, my usual mechanic and another random mechanic my friend recommended have all plugged in the diagno and it was futile. That's why I changed so many parts and they still don't solve the problem. Grrrr.....
Re: Help! RPM dips and engine stalls.

hcsiow said:
I had similar problem..tried multiple fixes and finally turned out to be fuel pump. Once replaced problem gone.

Same same.. The only difference is that it happended to my brand spanking new E90. They literally replace the whole fuel system... but it was the fuel pump that was the culprit.

I remembered on the move, then suddenly total loss of power for a split second rpm dips. In fact my was so bad that the car stalled a few times when moving off...
Re: Help! RPM dips and engine stalls.

Was it accompanied by the battery light coming on for a split-second at around the same time?

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