Help need, got a funny indication light


New Member
It's the 0900 clock face on the left hand side of the "INSPECTION" lighting
I have attached the pic taken, thanks!

Thanks alot!
BTW I'm driving a 316i 3 door compact '98 thanks alot for u guys great help!
Re: Help need, got a funny indication light

Should be the indicator for time-based service replacement, usually brake fluid.
Re: Help need, got a funny indication light

It happen to my previous ride, same model as yours, I just leave it there as I dun go back to PML to service. I guess only PML have the code or sumthing to reset there once yr car is been serviced by them. Else normal service workshop can't reset it ya ... ; )
Re: Help need, got a funny indication light

That is the warranty service indicator. Your chasis and engine number will be keyed into the database and a list will be punched out for checks. Most other workshop will disregard this indication as they have no access to the service data of the car. Mine was kind and resourceful enough to do an update.
Re: Help need, got a funny indication light

Its a sign to replace brake fluid. The clock normally appears once every 2 years or so.
Re: Help need, got a funny indication light

Most workshops would prob not know wat to do with the reseting of the codes and stuff and leave the light on. but to me, having the light on irritates me somewhat. Thus, if you do not wan to let PML earn the labour, go over to BMWorkshop at alexandra. They have the necessary codes to reset the system fo you.
My brake replacement light came on recently and they fixed the problem and resetted the system lights for me, all for about $30. At PML, this amount wont even pay for labour!

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