Hamann Exhaust - where in Singapore ??

Hi Mystic,

You can try calling Benzline @ 67445877 or Phoenix enterprise (no idea). Both carry Hamann stuffs. Phoenix is the sole agent i guess..

Not sure abt the exact address of Phoenix been there once only its at hillview bukit gombak. Benzline @ 29 Ubi Crescent.

The address of Benzline and Phoenix stated in Workshops column is incorrect, outdated probably. Admins kindly update em. Thanks.

Phoenix Enterprise
40 Hillview Terrace Singapore

it's hidden amidst some warehouses.
and the last time i was there, they didn't have any sighboard or any unit number.
so abit hard to find.

u can try calling them first.
6462 1130
Thanks :thumbsup:

I can't believe that what I am looking for ......is just 500 metres from my house....I can see Phoenix Office from where I am staying !!!

Not sure if they carry the model you are looking for; anyway, they are Eisemann Race OEM, just slap on with Harmann logo. Phoenix will probably special order and bring in for you; or you can go turner motorsports to order the Eisemann Race.

neither of them carry stock. so cannot verify if they are Hamann or otherwise.

need to indent.
