Gruppe M CAI; E90 320i


Well-Known Member


don really noe howta describe da noise.. but it definitely sounds nicer..
eh adsnx ai dao mai?
when i wind down da window, da engine still sounds abit like "diesel engine" tho..
i apologise for my poor video takin skill.. pai seh... haha..
Re: Gruppe M CAI; E90 320i

Flushes so nicely at the engine bay!! Very very nice
Congrats on your new mod!
Re: Gruppe M CAI; E90 320i

Dammit man james, it's so chio.

Now you're gonna be able to throw your car into reverse faster than ever before.

Try not to scare saify again. And the rest of the ppl in the poly.
Re: Gruppe M CAI; E90 320i

it really looks nice in the engine bay... tues i see u in sch
Re: Gruppe M CAI; E90 320i

very very nicely done smoobies...

i tink i can hide my Cyberspeed alredy... tons of empty spaces under my bonnet....

(dreaming of GruppeM)

Re: Gruppe M CAI; E90 320i

Nuke said:
Dammit man james, it's so chio.

Now you're gonna be able to throw your car into reverse faster than ever before.

Try not to scare saify again. And the rest of the ppl in the poly.

haha.. yea reverse gear..
since when did i made saify scare.. he park at da optometry block, while i park at the architecture block..
i escape out of the skool frm da carpark in 6sec.. hard to spot me...
Re: Gruppe M CAI; E90 320i

morphisis said:
very very nicely done smoobies...

i tink i can hide my Cyberspeed alredy... tons of empty spaces under my bonnet....

(dreaming of GruppeM)


no need to dream, just sell ur cyberspeed away.. and install GruppeM lor..
you can take a look at alvin's one.. guess he goin to sell it away, when he's goin to change car..
Re: Gruppe M CAI; E90 320i

Hello all.
Can I ask how much and where can I get it done?
If its installed, will the 3 yr warranty be valid?
Re: Gruppe M CAI; E90 320i

once its installed, the warranty is void... i duno if it is only the engine or the whole vehicle...

where can it be done... i tink BVO or JuzzforCars can get it done... but its quite costly on a GruppeM... but the sound is great...

get a few feedbacks on the air intake and decide...

have fun modding...
Re: Gruppe M CAI; E90 320i

not void la ... as long as you dont tamper directly with the engine your warranty wont be voided ... i was at pml k. arang and spoke to anwar abt it ... however they can make a big deal abt it if they want to but they choose not to atm ...
Re: Gruppe M CAI; E90 320i

my 2 cents worth,

although what kevin says is true, you will feel somewhat compelled to close one eye in return and overlook the door dings, fine scratches or water marks they cause when your car goes in for servicing... if that's a tradeoff you can accept, then go for it.

i find that you can bang table a lot harder if you stay stock.
Re: Gruppe M CAI; E90 320i

WhyBMW? said:
Hello all.
Can I ask how much and where can I get it done?
If its installed, will the 3 yr warranty be valid?

ard 1.4k... you can contact wilson aka wilman2772 @ 96905511
be prepared for da warranty to be void..
and i am sure if you start modifying ur car, more mods wil follows after each mod(mod-virus:yummie: )..
Re: Gruppe M CAI; E90 320i

morphisis said:
once its installed, the warranty is void... i duno if it is only the engine or the whole vehicle...

where can it be done... i tink BVO or JuzzforCars can get it done... but its quite costly on a GruppeM... but the sound is great...

get a few feedbacks on the air intake and decide...

have fun modding...

should not be da whole car..
lets say you mod da suspension, then if you complain handling problem to them, then most probably thy wil blame it on ur aftermarket suspension..
if you complain abt vibration felt, then thy might blame it on ur aftermarket exhaust..
for CAI, watch out for da MAF sensor..
it goes on and on..:singsing:
correct me if i am wrong.. thanks

maybe shd not think too much abt warranty issues, if you wan to mod ur car..
you can also try to tok to Orh Lu Lu, he wil brain-wash you until u giv up ur warranty.. haha..
Re: Gruppe M CAI; E90 320i

thanks all for all the advice.
i thinking of it cause everytime i hate the sound of the engine when its on and i am on the outside. I hope this Gruppe M thing can make it sound as mean as the car looks... and give me some extra HP too along the way. Actually more HP not impt... more critical for me is the engine sound... clack clack clack clack to vrooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmm... i hope
Re: Gruppe M CAI; E90 320i

WhyBMW? said:
thanks all for all the advice.
i thinking of it cause everytime i hate the sound of the engine when its on and i am on the outside. I hope this Gruppe M thing can make it sound as mean as the car looks... and give me some extra HP too along the way. Actually more HP not impt... more critical for me is the engine sound... clack clack clack clack to vrooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmm... i hope

lol.. sorry i am afriad to dissapoint you..
the noise of GruppeM only comes, when you tap on ur gas slightly harder..
if it's gentle acceleration, then not much noise also.. unless you are on gear 1 or 2 at between 1500-2500rpm..
yea indeed the engine really sounds diesel... just close da door be4 starting and stop da engine be4 gettin out of ur car..
for bhp wise... i am abit numb.. haha..
Re: Gruppe M CAI; E90 320i

smoobies said:
[don really noe howta describe da noise.. but it definitely sounds nicer..
eh adsnx ai dao mai?

James, now its Vroom Vroom 4 u ... wld blend nicely wit quad exhaust!

any updates on angel eyes?
Re: Gruppe M CAI; E90 320i

quad exhaust lta compliance? its nice if its quad...

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