Greetings to everyone


New Member
I came across your forum by accident whilst surfing. I have to say since then, I have been reading it regularly! You guys have a great thing going here, and kudos to your site admin for the very regular, interesting and rapid updates.
Re: Greetings to everyone

Hi there beelee and welcome to the forum. Do enjoy your stay here.

Re: Greetings to everyone

Welcome to this great forum and hope that u can enjoy your time here!
Re: Greetings to everyone


Welcome to the forums! Hope to catch up with you soon at one of our meetups..
Re: Greetings to everyone

thanks a lot guys for the welcome. to answer the question of what i drive, it's not your marque i'm afraid, just a humble run-of-the-mill volvo. i am presently only an aspiring owner and an admiring third party of your various rides. one day... one day...
Re: Greetings to everyone

beelee said:
thanks a lot guys for the welcome. to answer the question of what i drive, it's not your marque i'm afraid, just a humble run-of-the-mill volvo. i am presently only an aspiring owner and an admiring third party of your various rides. one day... one day...
Whatever car you drive even if it's a bicycle, you're most welcome to join us in all our activities.
Re: Greetings to everyone

Welcome BeeLee, I also used to have a Volvo and hence my nick. Do enjoy your stay here and also surf the volvo forum too. Bunch of nice guys there too!
Re: Greetings to everyone

the volvo forum huh? will definitely check it out as well. sad to say forums like this are pretty alien to me, had absolutely no idea that there were so many BMW (and generally car) enthusiasts out there!
i like my ride, but have to admit that yours, design and performance-wise, leave mine in the dust!

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