Good service from PML... for a change!


Well-Known Member

Just want to share a positive experience with PML, after some initial frustration. I was initially put on a merry-go-round for 2 weeks with Andre, who promptly quit without registering my issues with PML.

The experience with Paul Wee (Kampong Arang) was way better. He was attentive, and fixed what he said he would on time.
- Rattles gone (new door seal)
- Wiper squeek gone (glass polished)
- Rain sensor reinitialised (mine was too sensitive)

Best part was the car loaner. It turns out that the service advisors don't handle the loaners, your salesperson does. My salesperson, Shayn, got me a brand new 320i (with 60km only) for 2 days while the car is in service. NICE.

There were couple of bummers, but they were minor
- Still cannot programme intermittent wipes for the wipers (such glaring design flaws)
- The newly designed seatbelt spring washer is still on order, and won't be ready for two weeks (if you have b-pillar clicking noise from your seatbelt, this is the replacement part you need)

But other than that, I am happy. So kudos to Paul & Shayn. Made my day.
Re: Good service from PML... for a change!

Confirm u have absolutely no association with PML, no vested interest, not working there, have not will not be receiving any money from them watsoever for your efforts? Cos the forum is popular with the sales people.

You must be one of the lucky ones.
Re: Good service from PML... for a change!

Good to have some positive news once in a while :) and buy 4D...
Re: Good service from PML... for a change!

Paul Wee is pretty good lah, in fact the oldies at East Coast is pretty good. For those who have owned BMW since the 1980 will know and understand...........
Re: Good service from PML... for a change!

I've always sent my rides to Kg Arang. The SAs there are good, patient and professional. Most importantly they don't tell white lies. Of course there are times when the mechanics forget something or makes a mistake, but that is acceptable so long as it is rectified without fuss.

A pity that Kg Arang will be shutting down when PML's lease is up. I wonder where they'll move to.
Re: Good service from PML... for a change!

Huh? didn't know that they're be closing down. When will that be?
Re: Good service from PML... for a change!

PML suppose to leave on 31st Dec 05 but i heard they extended the lease for another year or so.

Re: Good service from PML... for a change!

Haha Nuke ... Good one. Nah no relations with PML. Was quite upset initially with Andre wasting two weeks of my time. But I guess the subsequent service made up for it.

Will give credit where credit's due...

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