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BMW at $213,000 Is Singapore Way to Encourage Train Rides - Bloomberg
Funny excerpts from the interview with the funny man himself.
1.) “But we also at the same time are making sure that we try to provide alternatives and options for Singaporeans, so therefore massively increasing the public transport network so that there will be viable alternatives for people who decide that they no longer want to make use of cars.”
I think he forgot MRT breakdowns, floods and lack of cabs as contributing factors? Massively increasing is good. But the speed of increasing is slow. Volume or rate? Which one should solve the problem faster for layman?
2.) The government will extend its rail network further after 2030, Lui said, declining to give details of the plan.
After 2030, who knows what will happen? Can focus on 2020 first? What is the short term solution? By 2030, we have 10m people. So what then? Delay the problem?
3.) “That attests to both the success and the purchasing power of Singaporeans,” Lui said. “Therefore, if we do not impose some constraints on the growth of private vehicles here in Singapore, then I’m sure that many more people will want to own a car.”
Sure. Then any idea why many people want to own a car now? Because public transport and network are at inadequate levels. Nothing well enough was done by you or your pre-decessors for 30 years . Now inhabitants of this island have to pay for this huge tax called COE. Notice how we have been pressing on this topic of COEs for 20 years now? That is because the public transport is always one step behind population increase, 2 steps behind population forecast and 3 steps behind addressing transportational needs of people. So that make you the ministar of transport 6 steps behind all the issues? lol.
4.) About 12 percent of land in Singapore is for roads, Lui said. That’s almost similar to the amount that goes into housing.
Frankly that is crap no? so only 12% goes to housing. Together those are 24% for roads and housing. Then where are the remaining 76% of land allocated to? Office buildings? Casinos? Hotels? Zoos? Garden by bay?
5.) “There’s so much wastage if you have your vehicles and your people and your goods stuck in traffic,” Lui said. “It is the commitment by the government to really put in a lot more emphasis to shift people away from private transportation to a very high quality public transportation network.”
Very cheap talk leh. Stuck in traffic sounds so familiar. MCE forgotten? CTE is transparent ah? Very high quality transportation network -- sounds very distant like Pluto. Spore never had a day of very high quality transportation network in her nation history. Hey don't promise me the moon when there isn't even sight of stars. What faith do you want inhabitants of this country to have in your dreams seriously?
6.) The taxi fleet in Singapore -- at 28,000, larger than New York and Hong Kong -- needs to “work harder,” Lui said. Many of the taxis today are driven by a single driver and therefore not utilized around the clock, the minister said. “We’ve been encouraging the operators for example to find relief drivers to supplement the primary hirer,” he said.
Again alot of smokes and mirrors in this sentence. Are there like 4 or 5 taxi operators in Sg? How many are co-owned by partial govt bodies? Shareholding wise, the govt is almost the largest right? So why can't do more to influence these taxi companies? There are many policies which you can think of to stir taxi drivers from driving more often. Tax break, cheaper hiring rates, lesser insurance, etc etc. Don't just sit on the problem and wait. More taxis than HK and NYC and we are still in this pathetic lack-of-taxi state is really embarassing. One can flag down cabs in HK and NYC any time, any day, any weather. It is in abundance. And Sg actually has more unmanned vehicles sitting around?
Another things to note from this interview. One, our ministar is cambridge educated hor. Don't pray pray. That is why he is elite. Two, he dressed damn nice for the interview. I like his 3 piece suit. Not like those lokcok picture you see of him waiting by the bustop wayanging ok. Three, the revenue to govt from COE alone in 2013 is a whopping $1.55 billion! That is alot of money screwed from idiots like us buying new cars! And we are all willing idiots!!!
Funny excerpts from the interview with the funny man himself.
1.) “But we also at the same time are making sure that we try to provide alternatives and options for Singaporeans, so therefore massively increasing the public transport network so that there will be viable alternatives for people who decide that they no longer want to make use of cars.”
I think he forgot MRT breakdowns, floods and lack of cabs as contributing factors? Massively increasing is good. But the speed of increasing is slow. Volume or rate? Which one should solve the problem faster for layman?
2.) The government will extend its rail network further after 2030, Lui said, declining to give details of the plan.
After 2030, who knows what will happen? Can focus on 2020 first? What is the short term solution? By 2030, we have 10m people. So what then? Delay the problem?
3.) “That attests to both the success and the purchasing power of Singaporeans,” Lui said. “Therefore, if we do not impose some constraints on the growth of private vehicles here in Singapore, then I’m sure that many more people will want to own a car.”
Sure. Then any idea why many people want to own a car now? Because public transport and network are at inadequate levels. Nothing well enough was done by you or your pre-decessors for 30 years . Now inhabitants of this island have to pay for this huge tax called COE. Notice how we have been pressing on this topic of COEs for 20 years now? That is because the public transport is always one step behind population increase, 2 steps behind population forecast and 3 steps behind addressing transportational needs of people. So that make you the ministar of transport 6 steps behind all the issues? lol.
4.) About 12 percent of land in Singapore is for roads, Lui said. That’s almost similar to the amount that goes into housing.
Frankly that is crap no? so only 12% goes to housing. Together those are 24% for roads and housing. Then where are the remaining 76% of land allocated to? Office buildings? Casinos? Hotels? Zoos? Garden by bay?
5.) “There’s so much wastage if you have your vehicles and your people and your goods stuck in traffic,” Lui said. “It is the commitment by the government to really put in a lot more emphasis to shift people away from private transportation to a very high quality public transportation network.”
Very cheap talk leh. Stuck in traffic sounds so familiar. MCE forgotten? CTE is transparent ah? Very high quality transportation network -- sounds very distant like Pluto. Spore never had a day of very high quality transportation network in her nation history. Hey don't promise me the moon when there isn't even sight of stars. What faith do you want inhabitants of this country to have in your dreams seriously?
6.) The taxi fleet in Singapore -- at 28,000, larger than New York and Hong Kong -- needs to “work harder,” Lui said. Many of the taxis today are driven by a single driver and therefore not utilized around the clock, the minister said. “We’ve been encouraging the operators for example to find relief drivers to supplement the primary hirer,” he said.
Again alot of smokes and mirrors in this sentence. Are there like 4 or 5 taxi operators in Sg? How many are co-owned by partial govt bodies? Shareholding wise, the govt is almost the largest right? So why can't do more to influence these taxi companies? There are many policies which you can think of to stir taxi drivers from driving more often. Tax break, cheaper hiring rates, lesser insurance, etc etc. Don't just sit on the problem and wait. More taxis than HK and NYC and we are still in this pathetic lack-of-taxi state is really embarassing. One can flag down cabs in HK and NYC any time, any day, any weather. It is in abundance. And Sg actually has more unmanned vehicles sitting around?

Another things to note from this interview. One, our ministar is cambridge educated hor. Don't pray pray. That is why he is elite. Two, he dressed damn nice for the interview. I like his 3 piece suit. Not like those lokcok picture you see of him waiting by the bustop wayanging ok. Three, the revenue to govt from COE alone in 2013 is a whopping $1.55 billion! That is alot of money screwed from idiots like us buying new cars! And we are all willing idiots!!!