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get this for your lady this christmas..


Well-Known Member
greetings guys and girls,

i have a pair of genuine 18k white gold earrings from tiffany for sale. i bought them in july 2005. they've only been worn once for a dinner party (no bullshit) and they are in perfect condition.

tiffany products have exceptional build quality and designs of such elegance and sophistication, which in my opinion can never be replicated by even the best local jewellers. just step into a tiffany boutique and let the pieces do the talking.

these particular white gold earrings took me quite some time to locate. i am confident when i say that at the time of my purchase they were the only pair in town. when you first see them in person against the black velvet lining in their trademark aquamarine tiffany case, you'll be striked by the definition and fragility of the piece. when you pick them up, you'll notice how perfectly the joints have been fabricated; the mesh portion of the earring will drape over your fingers like a piece of metallic cloth.

like all genuine tiffany products, this piece is guaranteed against any sorts of manufacturing defects and such. however, it would be unlikely that you'd run into such problems. although very finely constructed, these earrings have a feel of durability that will translate through your fingertips the moment you pick them up.

needless to say, women love anything that comes in a tiffany box and bag. the white ribbon and a little card would complete the package and make you her hero this christmas. trust me, you should try it.

i purchased this pair at close to S$700. i have all original purchase documents that will be passed on to you if you should choose to take them over.

i am not a jewelry expert, nor am i a tiffany enthusiast. however, from what i've been hearing, tiffany products almost never drop in value. this is one of those premium brands that truly understand the meaning of the word exclusivity. most of their jewelry lines have a limited production run.

however, i am not asking for my original full purchase price. in a bid to pass them on to someone who would appreciate them and to satisfy the likes of both parties, i am open to reasonable offers from you. do text me at 97917464 to request for more details. kindly do not call me as i will not answer numbers i'm not familiar with.

here's a picture of these beautiful earrings taken from the official tiffany website.


i will oblige and meet with interested parties at your convenience, with no obligations. also, for your benefit, i'll personally bring these earrings down to tiffany for a clean-up upon confirmation of your purchase. this way, you can see the earrings in their genuine condition.

looking forward to hearing from you.

warm holiday wishes,

Re: get this for your lady this christmas..

hi again,

this item has been sold.

thank you for your interest.


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