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FS: Original E46 coupe/cabrio facelifted tail-lights (LED)


Well-Known Member
Legendary 10 Years

I have one set of the above for sale. Brand new not used.

Asking $500 per pair.. Damn cheap for LEDs.... negotiable.

Interested please sms me.


Re: FS: Original E46 coupe/cabrio facelifted tail-lights (LED)

SM, I don't think cab lights can fit on a coupe...
Re: FS: Original E46 coupe/cabrio facelifted tail-lights (LED)

jaskin said:
SM, I don't think cab lights can fit on a coupe...

Is it? I think its the same.......
Re: FS: Original E46 coupe/cabrio facelifted tail-lights (LED)

soorrry... pardon my ignornace... but would it fit a Pre FL cabrio then? are there any differences pls?
Re: FS: Original E46 coupe/cabrio facelifted tail-lights (LED)

SM, I reserve first.
Re: FS: Original E46 coupe/cabrio facelifted tail-lights (LED)

Yo bro Yuen, I tink Jaskin is rite, the cabrio tail lights will not fit a coupe. The shape is different if u look carefully. Remembr yr cabrio has a smaller 'BMW' badge? The front headlights b/w cabrios n coupes are the same though.

n yes, Pre-FL n FL tail lights shld fit, but i tink need a circuit to make it work. Some others hav done it b4.

my 2 cents
Re: FS: Original E46 coupe/cabrio facelifted tail-lights (LED)

ACSCAB2 said:
Yo bro Yuen, I tink Jaskin is rite, the cabrio tail lights will not fit a coupe. The shape is different if u look carefully. Remembr yr cabrio has a smaller 'BMW' badge? The front headlights b/w cabrios n coupes are the same though.

n yes, Pre-FL n FL tail lights shld fit, but i tink need a circuit to make it work. Some others hav done it b4.

my 2 cents

Yo bro... I see. thanks...

I guess ah wee from BVO should be able to fix the circuit yah?
Re: FS: Original E46 coupe/cabrio facelifted tail-lights (LED)

Wait. PFL and FL cabrios have different part numbers for LED taillights. That's one.

Two, the only pax that has successfully retrofitted LED onto PFL cab is Cybertron. Perhaps he can tell you what needs to be done to fit the lights.

If can I also want......
Re: FS: Original E46 coupe/cabrio facelifted tail-lights (LED)

Kenn, u might as well wait for Cybertron to sell his lights! (Hint)
Re: FS: Original E46 coupe/cabrio facelifted tail-lights (LED)


NS hav done it for his M3 as well; also, i tink Doc Yuen is sellin the LEDs with the orange signal indicators. u sure u want? look kida strange if clears in front, n oleng at the bac i tink.

Yuen, tio bor?
Re: FS: Original E46 coupe/cabrio facelifted tail-lights (LED)

Yup mine is orange indicators....

but still it is LED....
Re: FS: Original E46 coupe/cabrio facelifted tail-lights (LED)

ACSCAB2 said:

NS hav done it for his M3 as well; also, i tink Doc Yuen is sellin the LEDs with the orange signal indicators. u sure u want? look kida strange if clears in front, n oleng at the bac i tink.

Yuen, tio bor?
Tio. Oleng sibey pai kwa. Unless you tint......
Re: FS: Original E46 coupe/cabrio facelifted tail-lights (LED)

Coupe and cabrio tail lights are different. Original quality is the best.

If anyone's interested in how to make it work, especially with the adaptive braking's outer ring of LEDs switched on for braking, here's the link.




Yes, I was damn interested to get a set of LED tails, but too bad mine's a coupe.

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