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FS: e46 anti-fog rear-view mirror & UUC DSSR (e36 - 6 speed)


Well-Known Member
1) anti-fog rear/view mirror off a 46:

2) DSSR - Double Shear Selector Rod - E36 M3 6-speed -109mm (NEW)

This part fits:

1996-1999 M3 Evolution 6-speed or any E36 3-series retrofitted with Evolution 6-speed or E46 M3 6-speed transmission.

The problem.

One significant wear area that has never been addressed previously is the wear and ovalization of the linkage connection points at the transmission and the shifter's lower pivot.

In the original BMW design, the connection at both ends has a large injection-molded plastic bushing. We already know how badly plastic wears in an automotive application, and these areas are not an exception. The design of the selector rod has a pin at 90° to the main rod, which exerts a tremendous amount of leveraged force on the selector joint bushing from one side (known as a single shear force). The result is a steady deformation of the bushing, resulting in looseness and slop in the entire mechanism.

The looseness and slop are magnified by the leverage-multiplication effect of the shift lever itself. The result is an in-gear shifter "free play" of 3/4" and up to 1" in either direction, over 35mm total.

The cure.

A temporary fix is to simply replace the selector joint. Unfortunately, this is only a temporary fix as the new joint's bushing will exhibit the same rapid deformation. To permanently fix this, a change in the fundamental design of the pivot is required, changing the assembly to a double shear system with the UUC Double Shear Selector Rod (DSSR).

The DSSR redistributes the torsional forces from the pin/bushing interface to the complete face area on both sides of the selector joint. By taking advantage of the strength of steel in the DSSR and the body of the joint, the problem of deformation is eliminated and the movement of the selector rod correlates directly to movement of the selector joint - the only "free play" movement remaining in the shifter assembly is from within the transmission itself. In-gear "free play" is reduced to approximately 10mm total when used with a UUC EVO3 shifter.

The DSSR is compatible with all brand shifters, whether original BMW or other-brand aftermarket. When used with the original BMW shifter or other aftermarket shifters, the amount of "free play" will be greatly reduced but varies by shifter (flexation of the shifter shaft contributes to the total "free play" travel).

@ 9665-3300 to deal

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