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FS : 5800K H7 and HB4 lights


Well-Known Member
Legendary 10 Years

Dude, Wot is the color of that HB4..white-sih or blue-ish?
Hi Bro,

Not sure lei. Only will receive the parts this weekend by Fedex. I bought based on the photos from the net. Looks damn white so cannot 'tahan', ordered straight away. Hope it comes out just as white. Let me fix up first then advise you. Cheers...
Ok thks guys
Re: FS : 5800K H7 and HB4 lights

Laotitu said:

I bought extra sets of 5800K lights to lower my freight cost. Thus the remaining sets are available for sale. Price is $28.

H7 : Suitable for low/high beam. 5 sets remaining...

HB4 : Suitable for fog light. 1 set remaining...

Interested parties pls call me at 97462332. (JJ).
can i hav one set pls
Re: FS : 5800K H7 and HB4 lights

Laotitu said:

I bought extra sets of 5800K lights to lower my freight cost. Thus the remaining sets are available for sale. Price is $28.

H7 : Suitable for low/high beam. 5 sets remaining...

HB4 : Suitable for fog light. 1 set remaining...

Interested parties pls call me at 97462332. (JJ).
Hi JJ,

I'm rather interested in your bulbs, HB4, wondering whether you have anymore stock. I understand that you had installed the light bulbs into your car. Is it possible to provide me the pics of your car, with the newly installed bulbs on?

Apologies for the inconvenience, I've bought numerous brands/models of bulbs, nothing has yet to come to my full satisfaction, in terms of the colouration. :(

I'm reachable at [email protected]

Have a nice day...

Best Regards

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