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FS: 4+ months old Bilstein Sport Shocks + Eibach Pro-Kit


Well-Known Member
Legendary 10 Years
Bro....looks like you're really rebuilding your car izzit?
Nice combi...gd price n gd luck
How is ride comfort? I am keen on lowering my ride....

Jack - any comments???

Hi Guys,

Thanks for the support! Yes, I'm completely building my car into phase 2! :D


I love the ride very very much, it's very comfortable and not very bumpy at all. Handling round the corners are also superb. :thumbsup: Only thing is that it's just not low enough for my liking. :screwedu: hahahha... :roll: My signature shows how low the car is dropped after that setup!
super2ndgen said:
Hi Guys,

Thanks for the support! Yes, I'm completely building my car into phase 2! :D


I love the ride very very much, it's very comfortable and not very bumpy at all. Handling round the corners are also superb. :thumbsup: Only thing is that it's just not low enough for my liking. :screwedu: hahahha... :roll: My signature shows how low the car is dropped after that setup!

Wow... still not low enuf uh?Hmmm..

What do you mean by phase 2???

Hi guys,

Selling off my 4+ months old set of Bilstein Sport Suspension + Eibach Pro-Kit Springs for E46 3-series. Condition is fantastic. Asking for S$900 only!!! Those interested pls PM or email me at [email protected] Thanks!


Hi was wondering how long have you used it for?
i mean how much mileage you clocked up...
SMYUEN said:
Wow... still not low enuf uh?Hmmm..

What do you mean by phase 2???


Yup, building my car for shows, so I need to adjust the height to make it lower during shows.. :D

Phase2 is my modding stage ler, means going into more mods and all done differently! :D
one more thing i forgotten to mention about, the shocks and springs are designed for 6cylinders E46 only. If installed on 4cyl, ride quality may be different, most probably stiffer since the 6cyl are much heavier! It's your choice though! :D
I love the ride very very much, it's very comfortable and not very bumpy at all. Handling round the corners are also superb. Only thing is that it's just not low enough for my liking. hahahha... My signature shows how low the car is dropped after that setup!

Wah lau!! Still not low enuf for you huh? Want that slammed look yah?
one more thing i forgotten to mention about, the shocks and springs are designed for 6cylinders E46 only. If installed on 4cyl, ride quality may be different, most probably stiffer since the 6cyl are much heavier! It's your choice though! :D

the unladen weight for 318 is 1425 while the laden weight is 1500. A difference of 75kg will do so much difference? anyone any thoughts on this?
Winston said:
the unladen weight for 318 is 1425 while the laden weight is 1500. A difference of 75kg will do so much difference? anyone any thoughts on this?
maybe just a little bit? :D
Nice ride man. Love those rims. They're Racing Dynamics rite? Won't you have problems driving around car parks and humps with your car being so low?
rodders said:
Nice ride man. Love those rims. They're Racing Dynamics rite? Won't you have problems driving around car parks and humps with your car being so low?

That's not my ride ler, but that's the concept of my phase 2 mods now. Yup, RD RS2 rims! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

I guess I won't be lowering so much when i'm driving normally, only will be doing so when the car is at shows :screwedu: :laughlik:
6 cylinder suspension when fitted to the 4 cylinder, will make the latter's front ride height rise comparitively by 1-2 fingers.

yes 75kg does make a difference. an obvious example is when you have 2 fat people sit in your car, straightaway the suspension will be lowered right? same goes for 75 kg with less magnitude.

anyways most of the weight difference come from the engine, which is hanging directly over the front axle, which amplifies the weight effect.
rodders said:
Nice ride man. Love those rims. They're Racing Dynamics rite? Won't you have problems driving around car parks and humps with your car being so low?

you obviously dun pay attention to the posts to make such stupid comments. I think you shd be banned from posting.. :hmmidont:
haaha... relax ler bro, i think he was still half awake when he posted that ler, look at the time of the posting! :D

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