Front windscreen stress cracks


Well-Known Member
Hi Folks,

Anyone else have experience with stress cracks on the front windscreen on newer BMWs? These cracks usually start from the A pillar

My E60 is about 20 months old and I've had to change front windscreen twice, both times after track days at Sepang. I believe the first time was due to something hitting it, but the 2nd time after the PML track day, where I don't recall anything hitting the screen, but yet there was a crack starting form the left A pillar.

At a recent IDT, totoseow and I managed to put 4(!) stress cracks on the front windscreen of the E90 330i in the two days of driving the car. All cracks started from the A pillars, two from each side, and neither of us recall anything hitting the windscreen.

Question is, do the new BMWs, E60s and E90s in particular have more flex in the chassis and thereby causing stress cracks on the windscreen?
Re: Front windscreen stress cracks

One more question, does anyone think that having a strut bar will help reduce the risk of stress cracks on the windscreen?
Re: Front windscreen stress cracks

Only thing i can recall driving the e60 in its early life, some hot late afternoons, can hear loud pops every now and then but no cracks or anything juzt pops from the screen. I was thinking to myself that could be due to the glass thermal stress relieve.