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"Fake Shops, F****d Up Cars & Frustrated Tuners!"


Well-Known Member
Legendary 10 Years
Vinny Ten Calls Out Fake Shops, F****d Up Cars & Frustrated Tuners!

Check out the video.

Have you ever taken your pride and joy to a performance shop for upgrades and the shop ends up f***ing up your shit? Almost every car enthusiast can relate to this scenario. The shop is always to blame; it’s was their fault, right? Eh, maybe not so much. It may be time for tuners to look within.

No political correctness or sugarcoating, just the plain hard truth.
Re: "Fake Shops, F****d Up Cars & Frustrated Tuners!"

in wise words of the sages that lurk within bmw-sg forum.....

Re: "Fake Shops, F****d Up Cars & Frustrated Tuners!"

Rich people talk differently one lah
Re: "Fake Shops, F****d Up Cars & Frustrated Tuners!"

f10 520i is good enough for sg road ... f10 m5 is overkill ... how fast you can go in sg?
you will never hear this from miss lim super rich friend

MW;892428 said:
Rich people talk differently one lah
Re: "Fake Shops, F****d Up Cars & Frustrated Tuners!"

honestly speaking....

how many of us... have ventured to a workshop.... told a product (say engine oil / air intake / spark plugs / blowoff valve etc) will give 5bhp...or 10bhp etc? Almost immediately, 'soft ears'... tell the workshop...ok... pls install..whether the part costs $50 or $1000...without doing research... .

The most natural post install thing to do after driving out of the workshop is to rev the car a bit more, thus giving the illusion that the car feels faster and the product works.

If a product is bad... how many will truly admit the product is bad?
Re: "Fake Shops, F****d Up Cars & Frustrated Tuners!"

MW;892428 said:
Rich people talk differently one lah

if 2 cars... same prices... say for example....

VW golf R vs F10 523i

which would you choose? F10? cos its brand / badge is perceived as more atas right? then afterwhich owner will wish to modify the car to outperform a VW golf R by installing everything in the after market parts catalog?!

if one where to want a fast car.... choosing the VW Golf R should be the correct answer....
Re: "Fake Shops, F****d Up Cars & Frustrated Tuners!"

I just change the boot badge. Fast enough
Re: "Fake Shops, F****d Up Cars & Frustrated Tuners!"

Heads up. Insurance companies are looking hard into the engine bay nowadays.
If you mod, stay out of trouble. Otherwise, the insuracne company will not pay. Simple mod like wheel size is enough for them to claim repudiation.

Says who????? I handle such cases quite regularly.
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Re: "Fake Shops, F****d Up Cars & Frustrated Tuners!"

jasonmaxima;892415 said:

+1 from my experience, engine is my #1 criteria since i attained nirvana

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