F30 316i Opens for Booking Soon at PML

Re: F30 316i Opens for Booking Soon at PML

good info
anyway, i don't think so long and complicated
5 years change car liao and see how much the car can get at market rate for trade in
so, i am always game for buy low ... :D
like now even $30k coe used car is priced at a discounted $90k coe ... price is always manipulated by dealers

motorknut;940889 said:
But PARF refundable at scrap time, is a refund from your tax. So if you don't pay the tax, you don't get anything back. What we shouldn't mix up is OMV versus ARF. OMV is the value of your car, ARF is the tax you pay (a function of OMV). PARF is a rebate from your tax. Reduced upfront tax of course means reduced tax rebate. The part we are all getting screwed over on, is the lack of value for the car itself.

For example, my PARF is 33k. Dealer says he'll pay me 34k. 1k value for the body. I'm pretty sure they make much more exporting our old cars to Africa, or even from scrap metal value. Even a 25year old beat up toyota in Perth goes for AUD1K.

But the CEV is not the culprit. I'd rather save 10k upfront, than pay additional 10k ARF and claw back half of it via PARF.

Maybe we should all try exporting our own cars. Now that PARF is refundable in cash, we aren't held hostage by the required paper value conversion.
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Re: F30 316i Opens for Booking Soon at PML

motorknut;940889 said:
But PARF refundable at scrap time, is a refund from your tax. So if you don't pay the tax, you don't get anything back. What we shouldn't mix up is OMV versus ARF. OMV is the value of your car, ARF is the tax you pay (a function of OMV). PARF is a rebate from your tax. Reduced upfront tax of course means reduced tax rebate. The part we are all getting screwed over on, is the lack of value for the car itself.

For example, my PARF is 33k. Dealer says he'll pay me 34k. 1k value for the body. I'm pretty sure they make much more exporting our old cars to Africa, or even from scrap metal value. Even a 25year old beat up toyota in Perth goes for AUD1K.

But the CEV is not the culprit. I'd rather save 10k upfront, than pay additional 10k ARF and claw back half of it via PARF.

Maybe we should all try exporting our own cars. Now that PARF is refundable in cash, we aren't held hostage by the required paper value conversion.

CEV is the culprit, just like old hybrid car rebate. It makes calculation of depreciation more complicated than it was.

Read my replies again. I am not confused over parf, arf and omv. It is many people who are/will be.

nvm, I help you quote...

This is where people don't see the issue with cev.

Every 10k of cev rebate is actually only 5k because your parf is lowered. End of the day, you will buy cheaper and sell cheaper, which means that you will not really enjoy a real 10k rebate, not even remotely close.

I will also rather save 10k up front and scrap 5k less, but many are not seeing the full picture like how we are. When they look at the cevs rebate, they think they are getting the full rebate. I.E. if cevs rebate is 10k, they think they are really getting a 10k discount. In reality, they are not. It is just a 5k discount.
Re: F30 316i Opens for Booking Soon at PML

wt_know;940900 said:
good info
like now even $30k coe used car is priced at a discounted $90k coe ... price is always manipulated by dealers

Yeah, crazy huh? Five year old e60s quoted with 17k depreciation.
Re: F30 316i Opens for Booking Soon at PML

Slow_poke_driver;940970 said:
CEV is the culprit, just like old hybrid car rebate. It makes calculation of depreciation more complicated than it was.

Read my replies again. I am not confused over parf, arf and omv. It is many people who are/will be.

nvm, I help you quote...

I will also rather save 10k up front and scrap 5k less, but many are not seeing the full picture like how we are. When they look at the cevs rebate, they think they are getting the full rebate. I.E. if cevs rebate is 10k, they think they are really getting a 10k discount. In reality, they are not. It is just a 5k discount.

i take your point on complexity, but essentially its a tax rebate. so i guess consumers shouldn't call it a discount.

in late 2012, i have met at least 2 non-BMW SEs who had no clue how it worked and gave me incorrect info. one was selling a luxury hybrid, another a 1.6L turbo engined conti sedan. I think that's terrible. Most buyers can't be bothered to understand policies and worse, get inaccurate info from sales staff.

you'd think that when paying 170-200k+, you'd make more of an effort to figure out the policies that drive the prices.
Re: F30 316i Opens for Booking Soon at PML

i think the issue for CEVS rebate is that most people, SEs included, do not understand how the entire scheme works or conveniently leave out the details/implications for the upfront rebate. Also it does not help that huge adverts are being placed in media to advertise for cars with 10k or 20k CEVS rebates to attract consumers. So for those buyers who buy the cars with CEVS rebates, they might get a small shock on the lesser PARF when they are selling/scrapping their cars. Although this shock may not be as bad as those in the days of the $1 Cat A COE whose care are registered with high value Cat E COEs.
Re: F30 316i Opens for Booking Soon at PML

Very simple one lah.

F30 320 has OMV of $36k. Without CEV, the price is $222k. Annual Depreciation is $20.4k (222 - 18).

With CEV of $5k, annual depreciation is $20.15k (222 - 15.5).

Saving/year = $250.00 ONLY hor.
Re: F30 316i Opens for Booking Soon at PML

Hi, members..,
Anyone book 316i, ? & getting it b4 CNY ...
Nice.. :)
Re: F30 316i Opens for Booking Soon at PML

Hi, members..,
Anyone book 316i, ? & getting it b4 CNY ...
Nice.. :)
Re: F30 316i Opens for Booking Soon at PML

what is your psle maths grade ?

Slow_poke_driver;940861 said:
No it is not flipped.

You buy 10k cheaper.

You scrap 5k less.

Real savings is just 10-5k=5K.

A real 10k discount if when the new car cost 10k less and yet parf is unchanged.

I will also like to pay less tax whenever possible. However, in this case, it is just a case of making first time car buyers think that they are getting the full 10k discount, when in reality, the actual discount is only 5k. Isn't this buy cheap, sell cheap?
Re: F30 316i Opens for Booking Soon at PML

Darth Vader;941880 said:
what is your psle maths grade ?

Math Grade
O lvl A and E math=A1
A lvl C math=A
NTU, Math modules 1,2,3,4=2A 2A+

Actually, I really cannot remember when was the last time I got a B or even A- in exam for any subject.
Re: F30 316i Opens for Booking Soon at PML

knn life is really not that complicated. got money to spend, enough to buy, just buy. if have to calculate like that, better off with a 2007 used car.
Re: F30 316i Opens for Booking Soon at PML

detach8;941997 said:
knn life is really not that complicated. got money to spend, enough to buy, just buy. if have to calculate like that, better off with a 2007 used car.

You are right, anyone tries to calculate anything to justify purchasing a car in Singapore is a complete waste of time.
Re: F30 316i Opens for Booking Soon at PML

the debate is about understanding the fundamental of CEV rebates ...
whether it is $10K (upfront) or $10K-$5K = $5K (when scrap) ... good to know

if one had decided to buy a new car at $80k & $90K COE ... what's there to calculate?
i ROTFL when someone bought a new car now and come in to complain up/down/left/right that the SE did not give free 3M floor matt :lol:

detach8;941997 said:
knn life is really not that complicated. got money to spend, enough to buy, just buy. if have to calculate like that, better off with a 2007 used car.

TUV2008;941999 said:
You are right, anyone tries to calculate anything to justify purchasing a car in Singapore is a complete waste of time.
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Re: F30 316i Opens for Booking Soon at PML

ok,then your CEV calculation should be correct.

Slow_poke_driver;941966 said:
Math Grade
O lvl A and E math=A1
A lvl C math=A
NTU, Math modules 1,2,3,4=2A 2A+

Actually, I really cannot remember when was the last time I got a B or even A- in exam for any subject.
Re: F30 316i Opens for Booking Soon at PML

Darth Vader;941880 said:
what is your psle maths grade ?

don't think his point is about math. more a discussion on the definition of discount, which is fair enough. discount means you pay less for an unchanged value. here, you pay less tax, and get lesser tax refund at the end.
Re: F30 316i Opens for Booking Soon at PML

wt_know;942085 said:
if one had decided to buy a new car at $80k & $90K COE ... what's there to calculate?
i ROTFL when someone bought a new car now and come in to complain up/down/left/right that the SE did not give free 3M floor matt :lol:

but, if other customers received a freebie, and you didn't, wouldn't u feel a bit left out? obviously, bmw car buyers should be able to afford the mat, but i don't think that's the reason they complain.

like if you buy expensive PS2 tires and the shop owner give you one michelin cashcard and say until like only for special customer. then next day your friend say he buy pp2 and his shop give him 2 free cashcard, you will feel a bit :verysad:
Re: F30 316i Opens for Booking Soon at PML

motorknut;942438 said:
but, if other customers received a freebie, and you didn't, wouldn't u feel a bit left out? obviously, bmw car buyers should be able to afford the mat, but i don't think that's the reason they complain.

like if you buy expensive PS2 tires and the shop owner give you one michelin cashcard and say until like only for special customer. then next day your friend say he buy pp2 and his shop give him 2 free cashcard, you will feel a bit :verysad:

I really was quite disappointed when my SE refused to give me any voucher for servicing.:verysad:
Re: F30 316i Opens for Booking Soon at PML

With the record breaking of Cat A COE today, PML is going to up the price for 316i by $10,000 starting tomorrow.

More to to come....very soon this will be the most expensive 1.6L car in the history of Singapore to break 200K!

congratulation to those of you booked at the launched price , you just gain $10K on paper!
Re: F30 316i Opens for Booking Soon at PML

TUV2008;942463 said:
With the record breaking of Cat A COE today, PML is going to up the price for 316i by $10,000 starting tomorrow.

More to to come....very soon this will be the most expensive 1.6L car in the history of Singapore to break 200K!

congratulation to those of you booked at the launched price , you just gain $10K on paper!

U secured your COE?
Re: F30 316i Opens for Booking Soon at PML

ccc;942466 said:
U secured your COE?

No, I decided to get myself a 5 series. I am not that keen with sport series design of 316i.

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