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F10 523 Dekit Sales


Well-Known Member
Am planning to sell the car, hence dekitting.

Price stated is indicative as I am not sure what's the market rate. Generally, I have fixed it at more than half of what I paid for. Feel free to PM me your offer but pls do not lowball. LOL.

Item 1
19" BBS CH-R (Staggered Set up) bought from Southeast Tyres
Colour : Satin Titanium
Come with Michelin Pilot Super Sports - Front 245 and Rear 275
Condition of Rims : no kerb rash. no stone chips. Just dirty from the brake dust and dirt.
Condition of Tires : about 70-80%
Price (with trade in of STOCK rims and ANY CONDITION tires) : S$2000 or best offer

Item 2
Original M Sport Bodykit from SWC (Mike)
Colour : Sophisto Grey
Condition : no major scratches or dents. used so rate it at about 8.5/10
Need to swap with original kit as I gave mine away. So only bros with same colour otherwise have to pay from spraying which I think not worth the price liow. Installation cost we bear our own.
Price : $1800 or best offer

Item 3
Carbonfibre front lip from J's Magic
Condition : scuff underneath which cannot be seen and a slight scuff on the right side. but it adds to the character of the car! I will take a photo of the scuff and post it later.
Price : $280 or best offer

Item 4
Gloss black front grille from Eng Soon
Condition : Used, so about 9/10. No dents no scratch
Need to trade with your original grille as I gave mine away
Price : $50



Re: F10 523 Dekit Sales

I might be interested on item 1 and need to check if you accept non-OEM rims before I make an offer?
Re: F10 523 Dekit Sales

preferably stock rims. let me know what non OEM rims you have. thanks!!

ckpe;1124174 said:
I might be interested on item 1 and need to check if you accept non-OEM rims before I make an offer?
Re: F10 523 Dekit Sales

i m trying to find out how much the stock rims.

bambibi;1124598 said:
Bro if just rims and.Tyres alone without swop.how much? Pm me pls
Re: F10 523 Dekit Sales

thanks all for the interest. may have a change of plan so KIV the WTS for the time being. sorry!
Re: F10 523 Dekit Sales

Hi bro, so you confirm not selling any of your items? If you intend to sell, please pm me. I am interested.

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