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F.S. Brake Caliper for E46


New Member
Re: F.S. Brake Caliper for E46

Which model is your e46 ? The caliper / disc size varies between a 318 and 325. And how much do you want to sell the brakes for ?
Re: F.S. Brake Caliper for E46

hi, sent u pm also.. can i also pls get contact details for Billy from Juzz 4 Cars.. thanks..
Re: F.S. Brake Caliper for E46

It's be done before. Either J4C or BVO, both have done the job before. I know BVO can do it in 2 hours. But leave the rear 320mm rotors with them a day or two before installation for "custom" machining - no modification of hand brake assembly needed.


mikeygar said:
curious about your conversion. 330 brakes are supposedly more difficult to install on the rears (minor modification), whereas the front should fit in no problem. Please shed some light on this :D
Re: F.S. Brake Caliper for E46

Hi guys,

The initial post was posted on 05/07/2004. Sorry i did not update since then. the brake caliper i am selling is for the E46. u will only need it if u got a jammed / crack caliper. the caliper size is the same size from 318i to 325i. only the caliper carrier is different.

I am selling only the caliper, without the carrier. the carrier has been sold. anyone interested can take it for any reasonable amount.
Re: F.S. Brake Caliper for E46

As for the conversion to 330 brakes.

the front is pretty straight forward, dreamdriver has posted the link above liao.

as for the rear, the two way of getting around it is by either

1. change the rear brake assembly to the 330i ones or

2. get someone to do a shim plate on the drake drum of the handbrake so that the handbrake can still be used. the downside of this is that everytime the rear rotor wears out, u will need to get the shim plate done again.

The reason being that the 330 has got bigger drive output shaft and therefore a bigger wheel bearing at the rear. In turn, the hanbrake drum is bigger and if u fit a 330 rotor on the rest of the range, the handbrake cannot be used as the diameter of the brake drum is much bigger.

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