Exporting Car to Australia?


Well-Known Member
Re: Exporting Car to Australia

froggie said:

Does anyone have any experience exporting a car to Australia for sale or for own use?

Any advice on the procedure and costs involved, and any companies/contacts/export services to share?



I toyed with the idea a couple years back when I went to Oz to study but did not follow through with it. Am not sure about the costs, but I do have a contact who deals in freight shipments and handled the Pope's car between countries. If you need to check on shipping costs PM me and i'll get you a contact number.
The question is, why would you want to? It is not like cars are more expensive in Australia than Singapore.
You can only export if the car is only less than 3 years old, if its older then you have to export to NZ then register b4 exporting to australia, bc the taxes to export directly to Australia is too high unless you live there and the car is under your name.
just what i know from a dealer bc i sold a prelude to a dealer who exported the car to australia in that way.
My sentiments lie with mwidjaya....

For about AUD$40k you can get a rather big jap car or a really indecent Aussie big block muscle car. Why would you want to bring a car into the land of the kangaroos?

IMO, get a muscle car over there. The Supercharged Holdens and XR Fords are real beasts of burden and would be a good experience for singapore drivers to get behind the wheels of one of them. The old saying still goes: there is no replacement for cubic displacement. Try it and you may be pleasently surprised at the amount of torque those buggers produce.
diablo_728 said:
You can only export if the car is only less than 3 years old, if its older then you have to export to NZ then register b4 exporting to australia, bc the taxes to export directly to Australia is too high unless you live there and the car is under your name.

Any clue on the exact procedure on both ends, assuming that there is no change in ownership? Say, from driver A in Singapore to same named driver in Australia?

From exit taxes (if any) at LTA's end to import taxes (at Oz's ends)...... Just curious to find out more......
yendor said:
My sentiments lie with mwidjaya....

For about AUD$40k you can get a rather big jap car or a really indecent Aussie big block muscle car. Why would you want to bring a car into the land of the kangaroos?

IMO, get a muscle car over there. The Supercharged Holdens and XR Fords are real beasts of burden and would be a good experience for singapore drivers to get behind the wheels of one of them. The old saying still goes: there is no replacement for cubic displacement. Try it and you may be pleasently surprised at the amount of torque those buggers produce.

Fully agree.

The HSVs, Monaro C V8s, and Ford XR6s are fierce and cost at most A$50,000 off-the-selves. A brand new 318i sedan costs about A$68,000 in contrast. Does not make much sense if you are comparing on a relative value basis.

Then again, you will ponder over the benchmark for valuation, when you'd realise that a RAV4 costs more than a Camry 2.4......
kenntona said:
diablo_728 said:
You can only export if the car is only less than 3 years old, if its older then you have to export to NZ then register b4 exporting to australia, bc the taxes to export directly to Australia is too high unless you live there and the car is under your name.

Any clue on the exact procedure on both ends, assuming that there is no change in ownership? Say, from driver A in Singapore to same named driver in Australia?

From exit taxes (if any) at LTA's end to import taxes (at Oz's ends)...... Just curious to find out more......

Yes that was my original question, cos I am also curious to find out more.

Of course to export to Australia there would be various reasons e.g. budget, sentimental attachment to the car etc 8)

Certainly a lot of choices over there as pointed out, thanks for the advice on these.


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