larry13;1082273 said:Hi, need to replace my E90 expansion tank.
Can someone advise me the estimate replacement costs for both the part & labour.
Thank you.
canuck78;1082506 said:Which WS did you go to?
larry13;1082517 said:Workshop at Kaki Bukit Auto Point
Think Kena carrot head
canuck78;1082277 said:Should be under $200
Need to change expansion tank, 1.5L bmw coolant, and labour.
Ninja;1082688 said:How much is 1 liter of coolant cost and how many liters we need for E90 ?
canuck78;1082723 said:Usually one bot of bmw coolant (1.5L) is enough, and mix it 50/50 with distilled water.
Cost is $20 +/- per 1.5L bot
Ninja;1082728 said:The WS I went charged me 6 ltr at $15 per ltr....
canuck78;1082731 said:The coolant capacity for e90 should be ar 8.2-8.4L.
It's not easy to access the coolant in engine block hence most workshop will just drain the radiator and expansion tank coolant with 1.5L coolant + 1.5L water (or top-up more).
It's hence highly unlikely they used 6L of coolant in your e90. Even if they did full flush, they only need 4L of coolant max + 4L water , so why they charged you for 6L?
Ninja;1082728 said:The WS I went charged me 6 ltr at $15 per ltr....
larry13;1082935 said:WS charged me $18 per bottle (1.5 L)
Ninja;1082939 said:How many litre they used for your car
larry13;1082947 said:Should be only one bottle (1.5L)
Ninja;1082734 said:Cannot justify now....
how much is the normal service charge