EPS Fuel Saver



Saw this flyer on my car this morning and wonder if anyone has tried it before. It says S$99.90 introductory offer.
And also it is compatible with any cars. The product is at www.ep-systems.co.uk

Tempted to buy. But if someone has tried it before, do share your views about this. Also, will installing this void the BMW warranty? My car is only 5 months old from PML.

Re: EPS Fuel Saver

I don't think it'll work. They're probably blowing smoke up your ass. lol.
Re: EPS Fuel Saver

The latest magnetic gadget clamps onto the radiator hose and is said to reduce temperature! Duh!
Re: EPS Fuel Saver

That will not give you any saving, instead you are buying problem for your car and may mess up your electronic system.
Re: EPS Fuel Saver

My machanics always tell me if you don't let a horse eat grass,how do you expect it to run fast?
Re: EPS Fuel Saver

Many years back I saw a quite new 3 series in PML workshop with the whole wiring in the car all burned up! Heard was due to upgrading the sound system or phone.... and caused the short circuit!
Re: EPS Fuel Saver

No need waste money and time to buy.

It won't work. If any of such things work, auto manufactures will just built it in sooner or later and claim better mileage figures.

The best fuel saver is my wife's right foot. She drives, 10km/L. I drive, 8km/L. Best, most proven was is to change your driving style is to drive super light footed.
Re: EPS Fuel Saver

hmm...some fuel magnet crap... last time i bought 6 sets of the yellow colour fuel magnet..forget wat brand liao...very popular back then...end up, no diff in power and no diff in fc after fitting into my Suzuki GTI. i even went to dyno test how good it can be. no diff.... now i pass to my mum to let her use it as whiteboard magnet liao... useless gadgets... i think hard disk magnets are cheaper and even more powerful?
Re: EPS Fuel Saver

Oh magnets again........

In short they don't work. IF you do want to try out, I recommend you to either rip mangets from those old faulty hard drives or get them at places like sim lim tower (around $2 a piece). These are strong neo magnets just like those used in so-called fuel saving magnets.
Re: EPS Fuel Saver

Btw, I just remember one thing. Our fuel injectors contained power magnets used to control the valve movement.

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