Enlist help to spot modified cars


Well-Known Member
The Straits Times | Friday, Feb 14, 2014
The Housing Board and Land Transport Authority (LTA) can work together to train carpark enforcement officers to identify vehicles that have been illegally modified, such as those with heavily modified bodywork.

The officer could take photographs and submit them to the LTA for review, before issuing a summons.

Such a collaboration will enhance the skill sets and productivity of HDB enforcement officers, as well as ensure vehicle owners comply with regulations.

Chang Pui San

Enlist help to spot modified cars | AsiaOne Ride
Re: Enlist help to spot modified cars

Eat too full nothing to do?
Re: Enlist help to spot modified cars

No wonder more cars using car cover nowadays. Many covers can be secured with locks.........:lol2:in breaking news, HDB officers have been issued with X Ray glasses......he he
Re: Enlist help to spot modified cars

Let's CSI this Chang Pui San n issue him death threats
Re: Enlist help to spot modified cars

CCB government. What great idea next? Empowerment to wheel clamp cars suspected of illegal mods?

Road hogs, road bully, etc or other road safety matters... instead focus on car mod. Faster $$$$ incoming must be the focus... might as well legalise all mods, owners just pay a fee for the mods, am sure many owners would gladly pay then even more $$$$ incoming, no need to 'play hide and seek'.
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Re: Enlist help to spot modified cars

Baby1M;1070573 said:
CCB government. What great idea next? Empowerment to wheel clamp cars suspected of illegal mods?

Road hogs, road bully, etc or other road safety matters... instead focus on car mod. Faster $$$$ incoming must be the focus... might as well legalise all mods, owners just pay a fee for the mods, am sure many owners would gladly pay then even more $$$$ incoming, no need to 'play hide and seek'.

Bro, the nex general elrection i vote for u hor!!!

then u cum out wif COM..... Certificate Of Modification... LOL
1 month onli 10, highest bid will get...
Re: Enlist help to spot modified cars

casper77;1070579 said:
Bro, the nex general elrection i vote for u hor!!!

then u cum out wif COM..... Certificate Of Modification... LOL
1 month onli 10, highest bid will get...
Wah, that is the other perspective... i retract my words, will get curse for generations.
Re: Enlist help to spot modified cars

They do everything except catching Road Hogger buggers who says nerve wreaking speed cars driven in the tunnel when it's only 90km/hr who over takes them while he is driving at 50km/hr
Re: Enlist help to spot modified cars

our garment is always out to find ways and all to suck our blood...
thanks alot PAP...
Re: Enlist help to spot modified cars

Maybe we can combine 2 ministries to save some money since they have so much synergies as shown in this collaboration.
Re: Enlist help to spot modified cars

Take photo of body kit to determine if there are illegal mods ......... I want their cameras ........
Re: Enlist help to spot modified cars

Now with many carparks using erp gantry systems, the hdb enforcement seems to "lose" their jobs. Maybe this is one way to generate income by asking them becoming "25" photographers
Re: Enlist help to spot modified cars

MTechnic;1070802 said:
So is my friend's car ( below) considered illegal modified car?

View attachment 59573

Will it endanger people's life?
With their weird mindset and thinking, that endanger people's life more than speeding heavy vehicles.
Re: Enlist help to spot modified cars

The responses r damn funny. In the midst of all the ccb gahmen-ning, you all forgot that it was a citizen who suggested that idea, not gahmen....
Re: Enlist help to spot modified cars

There are good and bad suggestions mah, gov chose the latter so... ccb gahmen for choosing a not so broght idea instead of focusing more on road safety... then again focusing more on road safety may not yield more $$$ for their coffers. Just IMO 8)

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