E90: ticking noice from seat belts.


Well-Known Member

I am getting annoyed with the clicking sound coming from the front seat belts for my E90.
It is on & off ticking sound and it only appears when you go through a hump or uneven road texture. The noise comes the end that attached to the car body and it occurs for both front seat belts.

I would like to bring it to PML to fix this, but before I do that, I would like to know if anybody else has similar problem, and whether PML managed to fix this.

Does anybody has similar problem? what remedy did you do?
Did you bring it to PML and what did they say or do?

Re: E90: ticking noice from seat belts.

Hi apache
I hv had similar problems before and I hv sent my car 3 times already for that matter and in all occasions,the side locking buckle was replaced. My CSA was also tired of seeing me.

The last time I had it replaced was bout 6mths ago and it never came back anymore.

Dunno where bmw-ag sources this thing from....embarassingly weak if u ask me.

Hv never seen anything like this before in any other car.

Anyway, mine is under warranty so pls ensure u do that that claim...

Chers n good luck
Re: E90: ticking noice from seat belts.

Experienced the same problem about a month back but don't have the problem lately. Monitor for a few more days then decide...IMO

Sometimes, the problem just disappear for no reason. :)
Re: E90: ticking noice from seat belts.

Silver31 said:
Experienced the same problem about a month back but don't have the problem lately. Monitor for a few more days then decide...IMO

Sometimes, the problem just disappear for no reason. :)

thanks TripleM! shall make appointment with PML on this!

I realized that it is going to be tough to prove it since the problem appears once in a while. That is why I asked if anybody managed to get PML to solve it. Anyway, try to drive through uneven road at 70km plus, and you may hear the sound.
Re: E90: ticking noice from seat belts.

Below is a technical service issued by BMW regarding this B pillar noise. The problem is common with E90 and many comlplaints in the other forums as well. I have the same noise and I actually show PML this document. They took car in for few days, including other matters, and I am happy to say that the noise does not occur so often. Hope that it helps.

SI B51 30 05
Body Equipment August 2005
Technical Service

Cracking or Ticking Noise from the B-Pillar

E90 (3 Series)

Cracking or ticking noise heard from the left and right B-pillar area while driving.

Door lock striker connection to the B-pillar (front left and front right doors).


Mark the position of the door lock striker.

Loosen the striker bolts.

Slightly move the striker away from then back to its original position.

Re-torque the striker bolts to 18.5 Nm.

Note: Do not change the position of the striker (mark the position before loosening the striker bolts).

For information only.

[ Copyright © 2005 BMW of North America, LLC ]
Re: E90: ticking noice from seat belts.

Wah.... i think I have that kind of sound too everytime going thru uneven road.
Intermittent but very annoying.
I thought its the rear door panel or the seat belt pillar. Sigh... anyone been to PML
to get this rectified? How long they took?
Re: E90: ticking noice from seat belts.

same problems!!!! y not do a group complaint....not group buy hor...to the ku ku pml??
very irritating!!!!

apache said:

I am getting annoyed with the clicking sound coming from the front seat belts for my E90.
It is on & off ticking sound and it only appears when you go through a hump or uneven road texture. The noise comes the end that attached to the car body and it occurs for both front seat belts.

I would like to bring it to PML to fix this, but before I do that, I would like to know if anybody else has similar problem, and whether PML managed to fix this.

Does anybody has similar problem? what remedy did you do?
Did you bring it to PML and what did they say or do?

Re: E90: ticking noice from seat belts.

Thanks Motofish for the info! It sounds like they just need to do a bit of adjustment to it.

How did you get the technical documents? care to share the site?
Re: E90: ticking noice from seat belts.

thanks Motofish!
I don't view them as competition. rather, they should be complementing each other.
Re: E90: ticking noice from seat belts.

Ok.. latest discovery on the source of sound on my ride.
Had my wife sit behind the car while i drive to listen to the sound.
She noticed the sound coming from the inside vertical plastic cap on the rear side windows . Whenever she pressed on it from inside, the sound gone.
Had my friend trace the sound on separate occasion. He too pinpointed to that plastic bar
that separate the rear window with the small window.
Anyone had any idea?? (attached pic. the bar is from inside of the car)
Re: E90: ticking noice from seat belts.

ok problem solved.
went to PML and they found the noise actually coming from the rubber lining of the doors.
they re-grease all doors seal.
no more rattling sound. happy! :shakemyb:

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