E36 section


Active Member
why is there no section for E36 when there are still a lot of them on the road? Do E36s come under classics category? Or is this forum for E46 and above?
Re: E36 section


That's a good question to ask. Personally speaking, i do not think there should be too much of a diversification of folders to cater to each model in specifics... you can post any question you like on the technical discussion folders, or talk about the E36 model here. :)

Classics folder are more for BMW classics...even though it's a bit difficult to thumb which model ought to be classic? Perhaps we should all define models which are two generations behind? Let me know your ideas...

Re: E36 section

hmm.. if you ask for my opinion, i would say those with EFI shouldn't be classified under classics.. i think cars without EFI are really damn old lor and should be considered classic and you don't really see much of them on the road except for maybe the 80s E200 Merc. ya you are right, its really hard to define which category belong to which.. but i don't mind where i post as long as people help me :) . just dun wana post in the wrong section. i'm a newbie to bimmers and to this site too.

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