Driving to Genting in Bimmer - Safe?


Well-Known Member
Will be driving down to Genting this coming saturday from Singapore and with so much news of BMWs getting stolen and their occupants robbed, was wondering if it is safe enough for me to drive down? Moreover the car is relatively new (just shy of 2 months), so maybe if anyone is intending to drive down on the same day to KL/Genting, we can drive down together maybe?

Haha, being a bit of a scaredy-cat here :yummie:
Re: Driving to Genting in Bimmer - Safe?

Its not that bad lar....

however, point to note is that taking a new car with lesser than 5000kms on it would be something not too good for the car....
Re: Driving to Genting in Bimmer - Safe?

ok la...just buy a good steering lock park head in...turn ur wheels fully. all these r deterrents....no gtee...i lock my car wif 2 locks one on steering..one on the pedals.
Re: Driving to Genting in Bimmer - Safe?

.i lock my car wif 2 locks one on steering..one on the pedals.

Wah u damn super on man ..2 locks !! ...but i guess better be safe than sorry !!
Re: Driving to Genting in Bimmer - Safe?

I have driven up to Malaysia in my car on several occasions. Once even up to Penang.

So far so good.. kekekek... No road block, no gunman, no extortions. :)
Re: Driving to Genting in Bimmer - Safe?

I have driven up to Malaysia in my car on several occasions. Once even up to Penang.

So far so good.. kekekek... No road block, no gunman, no extortions. :)
Re: Driving to Genting in Bimmer - Safe?

eddie said:
Its not that bad lar....

however, point to note is that taking a new car with lesser than 5000kms on it would be something not too good for the car....

Because it adds strain to the car? Well not planning to push the car that hard, would most probably be travelling around 100 km/h and planning to make 2-3 stops along the N-S Highway. Actually its the stops at the stopovers thats a bit worrying.

Planning to drive up to Genting and park the car at the hotel car park, and then drive back after the CNY holidays. By the way where can I get steering wheel or pedal locks? Wanna be safe like totoseow!
Re: Driving to Genting in Bimmer - Safe?

Juz to share. I'm a regular of Genting. Been goin up since 1999.
So far all the rides i've owned have made it there. Nissan sunny, corolla, MRS, IS200, Sub STI and most recently my e46. :)

*Never had any problems. Not even a puncture. Juz try not to drive like
a F1 DRIVER on the bends up/down the hill... kekeke....

Have a nice trip. It will be fun and rewarding. U will love ur car more.

Happy CNY
Re: Driving to Genting in Bimmer - Safe?

althaus said:
Because it adds strain to the car? Well not planning to push the car that hard, would most probably be travelling around 100 km/h and planning to make 2-3 stops along the N-S Highway. Actually its the stops at the stopovers thats a bit worrying.

Planning to drive up to Genting and park the car at the hotel car park, and then drive back after the CNY holidays. By the way where can I get steering wheel or pedal locks? Wanna be safe like totoseow!

strain to the engine, beware the snake crawl jam @ Genting during CNY......

Coming back down is worst. 1000 % on the brakes due to the crawl.....
Re: Driving to Genting in Bimmer - Safe?

althaus said:
Because it adds strain to the car? Well not planning to push the car that hard, would most probably be travelling around 100 km/h and planning to make 2-3 stops along the N-S Highway. Actually its the stops at the stopovers thats a bit worrying.

Planning to drive up to Genting and park the car at the hotel car park, and then drive back after the CNY holidays. By the way where can I get steering wheel or pedal locks? Wanna be safe like totoseow!

Not the strain. You're supposed to regulate driving between city and highway. For cars under 5000Km it is most advisable to drive mostly in stop/start traffic with occasional highway. Actually, our Singapore roads and expressways are the best for this.

Anyway, I don't think its that dangerous if you're driving to Genting; provided you don't stop along the way for food and pee because thats where you're most vulnerable. Its okay at Genting itself because there's a guard post on the way up, etc, etc. Park where you can see your ride easily and not some secluded lot. They even have security guards patrolling the car parks. My bro-in-law left the keys to his Picnic in the key-hole and guess where it ended up? At the security post.

REMEMBER; DO NOT STOP ALONG THE HIGHWAY. DO NOT STOP BETWEEN THE FOOT OF THE HILL AND THE HOTEL FOR MAKAN. If you want to go down midway for some makan, you can always take the cable-car.
Re: Driving to Genting in Bimmer - Safe?

Hi guys, thanks for all the replies, got back from Genting yesterday night. It was a good rewarding trip, especially driving the Bimmer through the curves up and down Genting. Most fun time I had ever with the Bimmer!!! Not to mention the experience of driving it fast along the N-S Highway.
Re: Driving to Genting in Bimmer - Safe?

hullo... where got such thing as cannot stop for pee break or food break??!!!

of course u dont stop somewhere Wulu.... i usually stop for pee/food/petrol break at the big bridge near Malacca... n certain things u cannot control wan la... hahaha

but i always advocate that a group of u go up together (friends/family in 2/3 cars)... so there's some safety/security in numbers.

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