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Dennislmh: Fl 330ci Coupe Looking 4 Upgrades!!!

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Re: Dennislmh: Fl 330ci Coupe Looking 4 Upgrades!!!

wa here also got brother to brother crap going on...
Re: Dennislmh: Fl 330ci Coupe Looking 4 Upgrades!!!

totoseow said:
wa here also got brother to brother crap going on...
the speeding power of trumpet...
Re: Dennislmh: Fl 330ci Coupe Looking 4 Upgrades!!!

have the Simota carbon fibre air filter (used but quite new) for sale.
interested, please sms 96851933
Re: Dennislmh: Fl 330ci Coupe Looking 4 Upgrades!!!

rex7_vtec said:
This thread sibeh exciting... Would be even more exciting if we could meet Dennis in person...

Shall we all be nice and welcome Dennis with some fries, burgers and ice lemon tea?

Bro...we have been very nice to him already..most of the bro here have offered him on how to mod his car to be faster in order for him to zoom past our car even without seeing his car....very swee already.....

i think if he use the barber seat in his car, we will never be able to see him all.....
Re: Dennislmh: Fl 330ci Coupe Looking 4 Upgrades!!!

Wah lau eh, you all whack him until like this, i think he will never show himself now. But anyhow, how many 330s are there in Singapore? Besides, we know and recognise almost all of them (excluding the non-modding seniors) So if he mods, we all will know who Dennis is.
At this rate, you guys are going to make him sell his car man. Have mercy....

Does anyone realised how HOT this thread is? 5 star rating and >1441 members viewed in less than 3 weeks! Damn. Hit record! Dennis, you are now the most famous 330ci owner in Singapore. Nobody who mods BMW in singapore will not know you. I don't know if that is good or bad.

rex7_vtec said:
This thread sibeh exciting... Would be even more exciting if we could meet Dennis in person...

Shall we all be nice and welcome Dennis with some fries, burgers and ice lemon tea?
Re: Dennislmh: Fl 330ci Coupe Looking 4 Upgrades!!!

Wow Wow Wow!

I finally got attention of u all!!:lol2:

I ve been very boring since i join bmw........:whattheh:

Thk 4 de trumpets, comments, challenges!!!

I will be at de next meetup to see u all guys/gals!!!

Pls give me advise on how to improve my stock 330 :slaphead:

As 4 e46ms, dun worry since this web s not only for bmw owners, u r welcome too!!!

(Some ppl dun even ve a car, still 'type' many many) :naughty:

Lastly, I love challenges, I thought there r no more fierce driver nowadays liao!

But i might be wrong? Checking out those replies, come to kfc to confirm your

fierceness........... :nehnehhh:
Re: Dennislmh: Fl 330ci Coupe Looking 4 Upgrades!!!

TKS BS! Dun worry for me .

I super thick skin one!

Will not sell 330 until i myself get tired of it!

Ride for yourself, NOT FOR OTHERS!!!!!!!!!!!!! :nutkick:
Re: Dennislmh: Fl 330ci Coupe Looking 4 Upgrades!!!

Unregistered said:
(Some ppl dun even ve a car, still 'type' many many) :naughty:

Lastly, I love challenges, I thought there r no more fierce driver nowadays liao!

This forum welcums ppl that owns and dont owns a car. Doesnt mean "dun even ve a car" cannot contribute. looks like u want to catch more attention?

Glad u luv challenges.. many here too. Your quote "no more fierce driver nowdays" shows that u are a frog in the well.

Anyway, i am sure many will want to meet u this coming meetup. C u there with or without trumpet.

Barry, nbzzz din see u buy fries to welcum me when i m a newbie. turbun.
Re: Dennislmh: Fl 330ci Coupe Looking 4 Upgrades!!!

Unregistered said:
Wow Wow Wow!

I finally got attention of u all!!:lol2:

I ve been very boring since i join bmw........:whattheh:

Thk 4 de trumpets, comments, challenges!!!

I will be at de next meetup to see u all guys/gals!!!

Pls give me advise on how to improve my stock 330 :slaphead:

As 4 e46ms, dun worry since this web s not only for bmw owners, u r welcome too!!!

(Some ppl dun even ve a car, still 'type' many many) :naughty:

Lastly, I love challenges, I thought there r no more fierce driver nowadays liao!

But i might be wrong? Checking out those replies, come to kfc to confirm your

fierceness........... :nehnehhh:

who exactly is this btw?


As 4 e46ms, dun worry since this web s not only for bmw owners, u r welcome too!!!

tks for invitation, definitely won't want to join the trumpet league.

(Some ppl dun even ve a car, still 'type' many many) :naughty

any particular member or bros here that u know dun drive? but type many many?

my guess most of the brudders here drive , which i would say more than 80%?

even thot i have not know any one from the bmw group.

frankly, alot of discussion are friendly and exchange of knowledge?

so where abt the type many many come from or involved with?

u might want to elaborate on this?

judging based on your post and date of registration, u know all of the brotherhood from the bmw forum?

Re: Dennislmh: Fl 330ci Coupe Looking 4 Upgrades!!!

BlackStealth said:
Wah lau eh, you all whack him until like this, i think he will never show himself now. But anyhow, how many 330s are there in Singapore? Besides, we know and recognise almost all of them (excluding the non-modding seniors) So if he mods, we all will know who Dennis is.
At this rate, you guys are going to make him sell his car man. Have mercy....

Does anyone realised how HOT this thread is? 5 star rating and >1441 members viewed in less than 3 weeks! Damn. Hit record! Dennis, you are now the most famous 330ci owner in Singapore. Nobody who mods BMW in singapore will not know you. I don't know if that is good or bad.
Re: Dennislmh: Fl 330ci Coupe Looking 4 Upgrades!!!

Unregistered said:
Wow Wow Wow!

I finally got attention of u all!!:lol2:

I ve been very boring since i join bmw........:whattheh:

Thk 4 de trumpets, comments, challenges!!!

I will be at de next meetup to see u all guys/gals!!!

Pls give me advise on how to improve my stock 330 :slaphead:

As 4 e46ms, dun worry since this web s not only for bmw owners, u r welcome too!!!

(Some ppl dun even ve a car, still 'type' many many) :naughty:

Lastly, I love challenges, I thought there r no more fierce driver nowadays liao!

But i might be wrong? Checking out those replies, come to kfc to confirm your

fierceness........... :nehnehhh:

wah... u still into the tiong chia ah???... then like u must be a super good driver, come up sepang... wld love to see u show ur moves, oh wait... tiong chia dun play on track .. only on streets... swee swee... boh beh chao...
Re: Dennislmh: Fl 330ci Coupe Looking 4 Upgrades!!!

Tai Lo, must be specific who you calling numbskull leh? Thought you scolding me...muhahahahaha.

I say this thread will hit 3000 by tomorrow night.

AC Boy said:
Re: Dennislmh: Fl 330ci Coupe Looking 4 Upgrades!!!

Hymics said:
This forum welcums ppl that owns and dont owns a car. Doesnt mean "dun even ve a car" cannot contribute. looks like u want to catch more attention?

Glad u luv challenges.. many here too. Your quote "no more fierce driver nowdays" shows that u are a frog in the well.

Anyway, i am sure many will want to meet u this coming meetup. C u there with or without trumpet.

Barry, nbzzz din see u buy fries to welcum me when i m a newbie. turbun.
Hahahaha bro!!! We go high class abit, go Area G for Beef Horfun then Tau Huay ai mai?? Hehehehehhee
Re: Dennislmh: Fl 330ci Coupe Looking 4 Upgrades!!!

Ride for yourself, NOT FOR OTHERS!!!!!!!!!!!!! :nutkick:

Hey! What do you know!
Arnie's got a msg for you
Re: Dennislmh: Fl 330ci Coupe Looking 4 Upgrades!!!

jaskin said:
Hey! What do you know!
Arnie's got a msg for you

Hahahahahahaha! thats a good one... :lol2:
Re: Dennislmh: Fl 330ci Coupe Looking 4 Upgrades!!!

Thread closed.

Kindly please refrain from hurling challenges and baiting each other with intent to disrupt the peace in the forums. Going off-topic is not okay either.

Please remember... If you have nothing nice to say, please do not say anything. If you feel a thread is going to be heated up, or has a pending problem...kindly report it to the admins. Thank you.
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